Gina DeVee on How to Be a Queen in Your Relationships

Relationships are an important part of a prosperous life. Today I have a special guest who will share her wisdom on relationships and all things femininity. My dear prosperity seekers, it’s none other than the Queen herself, Gina DeVee! Gina has been absolutely instrumental in my professional and personal transformation. She is a Queen in every area of her life and she teaches women how to be Queens in their lives as well. Tune in for this absolute blessing of a conversation!

After my financial breakdown, there was only one thing that could pull me back up. I had to rely on divine nudges and follow my feminine intuition. It took me straight to Gina DeVee, a female empowerment coach, a psychotherapist, and a feminine powerhouse like no other.

Today I’m so honored to share this conversation with you. We discuss the masculine and feminine, interpersonal relationships, how to give yourself permission, how to become empowered through femininity… and so much more. Tune in right now!

Who Is Gina and What’s Her Divine Assignment

Gina started out as a struggling psychotherapist who had a dream for a bigger and better life. She always wanted to help people and has been obsessed with transformation for a couple of decades now. 

In her work, she’s found that the human spirit is incredible and we are so much more capable than what society has taught us. Part of her path has been believing bigger and giving herself permission to say YES to her desires and not make them wrong. 

Her desire has always been impacting lives in a positive way, but also living a luxurious lifestyle. She combined the two to found the company Divine Living, which is all about having a meaningful career and a fabulous lifestyle come together. 

Today, Divine Living has empowered and worked with thousands of women around the world to start and launch businesses. Gina is excited about money transformation, but mostly because of who people become in the process. 

And now that so many women figured out divine working, we’re getting back to divine living and empowered feminine.

Femininity and Masculinity 

The Western culture is definitely addicted to masculine energy. As humans, we have both masculine and feminine energy, but what makes a difference is with which energy we choose to lead.

Masculine energy is all things logical, linear, concrete, predictable, practical. It’s all about initiating, doing, taking action. And ultimately, masculinity is about giving. 

The feminine, on the other hand, is about what’s playful and passionate, creative, nonlinear, circular, intangible. It’s really about being and ultimately femininity is about receiving. 

Society at large teaches us to approach everything from a masculine point of view. Save for retirement, always be practical, always be predictable. Thus, the feminine has been deemed wild or irresponsible.

And of course, we all know that throughout the years, men have oppressed women in different ways. But what’s concerning is that in modern times, women have handed over their power and tried to become like men, thinking that that’s how they’re going to get ahead. Women have embraced messages of hard work, long hours, massive action. They believe this is what is needed to succeed.

In that process, we’ve turned over our own superpower, which is our feminine instincts, our creativity, and our connection with spirit. 

So we do business like men and lose our health, our connection, our well-being.

Gina is spearheading a revolution where she gives women permission to lead from a place of desire. In her own business experience, she’s always had more success leading with the feminine, rather than following the masculine pattern.

Balancing the Two Principles

In practical terms, we women need to find that balance between the feminine and masculine. For Gina, mornings start with mediation, prayer, journaling, spending time with her partner. She works but she aims to be as productive as possible in the shortest time possible. After six, the computer is off and she makes the time to watch the sunset with her husband.

She’s a big believer in inspired action, and that sometimes means working 14-hour-days or doing 5-day challenges. But, she never goes from one program to a launch to another program. Gina makes sure to book relaxation time after hard work because that’s the place where she recuperates her energy and gets new divine ideas.

It’s Time for Women to Give Themselves Permission

When it comes to romantic relationships, women are taught to always seek permission, whether that concerns taking up space, spending money, getting what they want. But in Gina’s experience, whenever a woman grants herself that permission and goes after her dreams, her partner more often than not rallies behind her. The empowered feminine inspires and awakens the empowered masculine, bringing the partners even closer together.

In relationships where a woman feels disempowered, she needs to understand that you don’t get to necessarily change her partner. But, you can always work on yourself. The truth is, relationships are teachers. 

The first thing to do, always, is getting real with what you really want. Decide on your real non-negotiables and ask your partner if he can honor that or meet you halfway. 

It’s really important to be honest. Oftentimes people just assume the partner is not going to change. They don’t even give them the chance, or they change the game rules, but fail to communicate them. Communication is key, in all kinds of relationships.

Let Your YES be YES and NO be NO

Because of social conditioning, women often say “yes” when what they really mean is “no”.

If you want to change that pattern, Gina advises becoming aware of all the times when you don’t own your desires. Catch it and amend it the next time.

Practice being visible, practice speaking up, and practice asking what you want, although it can be really awkward and uncomfortable at the beginning.

Your man doesn’t have to believe 100% in every decision you make, but he needs to trust who you are. This is possible when you take personal responsibility for your choices. Both partners need to trust that whatever the other needs are necessary for their own destiny. You are there to support, but no one is here to clean up another person’s mess. Great relationships are possible when both partners own their path. 

Give up the Excuses

Often, women don’t pursue their dreams because they need support and approval from their partners. In Gina’s view, that need comes from a place of fear and it’s usually an excuse. 

Sometimes a woman doesn’t believe in herself or doesn’t want to take full responsibility for the outcome. Then, she uses her kids or her husband as an excuse to never even go for it.

A woman who says: “I need my partner’s support” sends completely different energy into the universe than a woman who says: “I’ve made my decision and I’m going to connect with my partner before pulling the trigger.”

What women need to do is really wake up to their power, their own source, their own self-permission. When you’re strong and centered in your femininity, your partner becomes your cosmic cheerleader.

Additional resources

Gina has been an incredible mentor and friend to me. I just adore her book, The Audacity to Be Queen, and I recommend you get it right now! Subscribe to her Divine Living podcast and make sure to check out her website

Of course, don’t forget to get in touch with Gina over on Instagram at @ginadevee

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