The Easiest Way to Release Weight with Jill Hammon

We want prosperity in our relationships, in our finances, in our health, and of course, our connection with God. I’ve been focusing on health lately and I’ve shared my weight loss journey with you. But, I want you to know that I’m not the only one who has had this type of success. So, today I’m joined by my dear friend Jill Hammon, who has had an incredible weight loss journey with the Prosperity Approach and she’s spilling all the beans for us!

Jill is one of my former clients. We worked together in the Prosperity Approach and my group program called Rise Up. I am just so excited for her to share her story, because I know everything she went through to get where she is today. 

Introducing Jill

Who are you? Where did you come from? What are you up to in the world these days? 

I grew up in Utah but I moved after I got divorced. I was a teacher for about 16 years and then I retired with 30 years in education. After that, I worked for a luxury lodging company and I acquired a real estate license, so I’m a real estate agent. I also do health coaching! Plus, I’ve been writing a book and just loving life.

What brought you into the Prosperity Approach?

When I looked at my life, it felt like I didn’t have any direction. I knew something was missing. But I didn’t know what it was and I was frustrated. My life has been really good and I was grateful for that, but I kept thinking there has to be more out there. 

So I went searching for something more, and I went to a lot of conferences. At one of those, I was lucky to meet you. I was just immediately drawn to your message. We met and sometime after, I signed up for the program.

Did you have any concerns or reservations before joining? 

My major concern was stemming from the fact that I’ve been in an unhealthy marriage all of my life. We’ve been married for 23 years and then got divorced. I almost lost hope and I didn’t know if I should invest money and time. I just didn’t understand life could be different, or that I could have something more than I had. 

What pushed you over that hump?

I prayed a lot. I was slowly building up courage. The thing is, I was very good at compartmentalizing my life. I’m quite successful as a businesswoman but my home life was very different. Because of that, I never felt like my authentic self, I wasn’t complete. 

Getting familiar with the Prosperity Approach, I realized I could actually move forward. There was something out there and I had to take a leap of faith to find out what. I felt a lot of nudges from the spirit to move in this direction and just jump in.

The Weight Loss Journey

At that time, where were you in relation to your body image and weight?

When I joined the Prosperity Approach, I was focused on the financial aspect of it. The health story was in the back of my mind, but I had been heavy for years. The highest that I’ve weighed was 306 lbs. The weight was such a huge issue for me because it made me like and appreciate myself less. 

When we started working together, I realized that it was actually the weight that’s been a deal-breaker in my life. It was defining how I felt about myself. There was a lot of anger and self-hatred. 

The thing is, I knew this overweight person was never the real me. It was protection, it was emotional eating, it was codependency. 

So weight was the main thing I needed to work on, but it took me a minute to get there. I was finally ready and willing, and it all started with self-love and believing things could change.

What are some of the first things you did? What were some of the shifts that you felt? 

I love to read. You provided such an amazing list of books that would change my mindset and I really dove into that material. It was about financial health, spiritual health, physical health. Then I did the exercises you gave us, I started asking questions, I started examining my triggers. 

You had some resistance before getting in touch with a health coach. What was that about?

Yes, I had some resistance at first. I did so many diets before and I just had this nagging doubt that a coach could actually help me. But because I was working on connecting with the universe through the Prosperity Approach, I was ready to listen to those nudges that came my way. 

So when that nudge came along, I listened to it. I called the health coach and I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I was ready to jump in. I just had to, and I’m so happy that I did.

In June 2020, I was at 294 lbs. Today I’m 240 lbs! I dropped 90 pounds in eight months. I never did it before and I’m so thankful that I had all this support.

How did you experience your weight loss journey?

It’s been incredibly easy. And part of the reason why it has been so easy is because of some of the strategies and skills that you’ve given me, such as the morning routine. That routine helped me feel so centered. My inner game shifted, I was talking to myself differently. I was constantly telling myself: “You can do it. This is easy”.

The skills I gained from you started me on this path, it was the foundation for my success. The support, the coaching, it has all been a real blessing in my life. 

The one thing I really found on this journey that I didn’t realize was missing was that feeling of b being centered. It has helped me in all areas of life, I could handle triggers and negative self-talk with ease. This time has been a time of reawakening who I am and what I really want out of life.

How does it feel now that you’ve released the weight?

So much joy. I love to shop, and when you’re bigger, the experience is a tad difficult. After releasing the weight, it has been so much fun to get rid of all the old clothes. And in the past, honestly, I would have kept them and I did. I kept the clothes and I lost my way. I never believed I could maintain the loss, so I always thought I should just save these clothes. 

This time, I bagged everything and sent those bigger clothes on their merry way. And when I look at the mirror these days, I love what I see. But more than that, I can appreciate that I got there with love and joy.

My health is important to me and I feel a renewed sense of purpose after so many years of being stuck. I would say to anyone who thinks that the situation is helpless to think twice. I was there too and I saw what was possible. 

Going through the holidays, did you crave the candy and desserts?

I didn’t have any cravings! The only issue was the sugar cookies because I’m a master at making them. But I just told myself I’d have them next year. I wasn’t about to swear off all food forever, but I knew I had to go through my journey now, so I could enjoy desserts in moderation later. 

What is the single most important thing that people should know about the Prosperity Approach?

It’s real. The conversations are real, the conversations are safe, they get you where you need to go. You work at it but the work is rewarding. I have no regrets at all about that time or money that I spent. 

In fact, I’m just so grateful that I found you and the program. 

So yes, the program is real and chance can really happen. The best part is, it can happen in such a positive way, in a way that nurtures you and your soul and what you need. 

This program isn’t about ripping the bandaid off and tough love. You are so great at loving people and helping them see their value. It’s from that love that all inner game shifts start. And as we know, outer results always follow inner shifts. 

Plus, there are just so many resources that you bring into it. So many good thoughts, you can’t help but be successful in whatever your goal is. 

Additional resources

Find Jill here: 

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