Start Where You Are, Not Where You Want to Be

This is the Prosperity Approach episode to help you avoid sabotage on your journey to health and a smokin’ hot bod! I share how I learned to work through triggers, stress, and overwhelm, and I want you to take notes because this stuff will set you up for success like never before! 

Releasing weight doesn’t have to be a struggle. More importantly, it really shouldn’t be. The joy is in the journey! If the journey is difficult, you’re probably not going to be fulfilled at the destination, and you’ll end up with the yo-yo effect. I know because I’ve been there.

Tune in today because I will walk you through my inner game changes and practical things I did to release weight and maintain my ideal figure!

What It Really Means to Start Where You Are

There is a huge difference between starting where you are instead of where you want to be. That difference is the key to your success. What do I mean exactly?

In my case, I was 45 pounds overweight, with unhealthy habits, and not getting almost any exercise. Where I wanted to be, theoretically, is at 120 pounds, trim, fit, exercising five days a week, with a perfectly flat tummy. So, the mistake in starting where you want to be would be to immediately cut all the food and start with five days of intensive HIIT training, for example. 

This approach is all about scarcity. You come in and you cut off everything and start acting like your someone you’re not. It might be sustainable in the short term, but if we’re talking long-term and maintenance, this is a scenario that leads to a lot of stress.

Honestly, if the journey is going to suck, the destination will never be satisfying enough. 

What we need to do is start exactly where we are. We need to love our flabby arms and chunky thighs, even if we want to change them. After all, our bodies have supported us our whole lives. For that alone, we need to be thankful.

The One Inner Game Strategy That Helped Me

The real change in my weight loss journey started when I started identifying with the healthy person that I wanted to become.

I asked myself:

“If I’m a healthy person, what does that look like? What does she eat? How does she move her body? How much sleep does she get? What time does she get up in the morning? How much water does she drink?” 

When you start figuring out answers to these questions, you start thinking like a healthy person. I jotted down my answers and I started exactly where I was. The most simple thing for me to do? I started drinking more water!

I can bet my bottom dollar that all of us need more plain, old water in our lives. So, that was the first habit I, as a newly established healthy person, introduced into my routine.

Then I looked at my portions. I researched and found what healthy portions looked like. I’ll admit it, it made me laugh when I saw the size of that. But, I was ready to give it a go. Now, there are many different ways to diet, and they all work. What you need to do is find one that will work for you without leaving you starved.

For me, I decided to eat every three hours. I ate small, healthy portions, but I was never ravenous. I was hungry sometimes, but I always knew my next meal was around the corner. So I would distract myself, and then in two hours, I’d get to eat something healthy and fun.

I did avoid some foods. I didn’t eat a lot of bread. It was uncomfortable at first, but I was ready for that. It didn’t feel like suffering – I’ll explain below.

Letting Go Is Good for You. Here’s Why

The thought of sacrificing something or of giving up personal comfort is just horrific to so many of us. But, this is a necessary part of the journey. It’s about being a little uncomfortable now so you can be super comfortable later. 

I was willing to make that sacrifice every single day because I understood what that sacrifice truly was. 

The law of sacrifice and universal laws say that when you are letting go of something of a lower nature, you make space to receive things of a higher nature. You’re letting go of those things that don’t actually help you get to where you want to be. You want those higher things anyway. 

The universe will always support your decision, but it will not react to your words. It will react to your vibration. So, if you’re sitting around miserable and thinking of donuts, the universe will give you donuts. Even if you’re dieting!

But, if you adopt the mindset of a healthy person and welcome sacrifices, and enjoy the journey, the universe will respond in kind. You’ll find the support you need, be it recipes, a health coach, or a post on social media. 

Here Are Some Tips and Tricks That Helped Me Stay on Path

There were a couple of things I realized on my weight loss journey. In the episode, I explain each in detail, so make sure you click listen above and take notes. For now, here’s a short review:

  • Don’t keep the foods that don’t help you in the house – it’s much easier to resist the temptation for chips if they’re not sitting in your cupboard 
  • It’s better to throw the unhealthy food in the garbage or donate it then to throw it in yourself and suffer the consequences on your hips  
  • If you’re inclined to celebrate your victories with a dinner in a nice restaurant, choose healthy options, or maybe have a dance party instead
  • Love your body as it is RIGHT NOW – love it for all the things it has done for you so far and express appreciation
  • Don’t let food or money or anything else become your source or your comfort – that’s God’s job
  • Make it simple – drink more water, eat a bit less every day, check-in with your body to realize if you’re really hungry or just tired and thirsty 

And always remember, you’re letting go of things of a lower nature so that you can have room to receive things of a higher nature: energy that lasts all day long, having stamina, feeling sexy, your clothes fitting better. 

Keep the vision of who you want to be in your mind’s eye and always go back to identifying with the healthy person inside you. When stress, overwhelm, sabotage appears, that’s what’s going to help you push through with ease. 

Oh, there are a couple of other tricks too, so make sure to tune in for the new episode now!

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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