How Manifesting Works in Practice with Torrie Miller

Will the Prosperity Approach work for you? I know it will, but I don’t want you to just take my word for it! So many times, I’ve looked at experts and coaches, and I thought: “I know what they know, but why don’t I have what they have?” My mission is to bridge that gap between knowing and having for you.

Now, I know that the Prosperity Approach works because I’ve seen it do miracles for people. In this episode, I bring you one of those people, my dear friend Torrie Miller. She’s used the Prosperity Approach to get some incredible results, and she’ll walk us through each step she took to get to prosperity. 

Tune in and find out how manifesting and the Prosperity Approach work in practice. Learn how powerful these principles can be and get simple exercises that will change your life, just like they did for Torrie. 

How Torrie Found the Prosperity Approach

Torrie took care of her kids for 13 years, homeschooling them and just enjoying life. But, when she tried harmonic light therapy, she was so impressed with the way it blessed her life. She decided to start selling the lights and bless other people’s lives too. 

She would have been happy to go on like that, but then her friend Shirley introduced her to the Prosperity Approach! Torrie got my book and soon we were all on a call together.

You remember how I manifested that trip to Hawaii? Well, Torrie also manifested a couple of trips herself! She then had to wonder, if we can manifest this, what else could be possible? 

That’s when she decided to join the Prosperity Approach and take that leap of faith towards a better future. 

The Challenges Torrie Faced at the Beginning

Torrie graduated college and had awesome jobs, but after taking care of four kids, she felt like she wanted to get out of the house a bit. She knew she was pretty good at things, so why sabotage herself?

It took her a while to realize she can be a mom AND a successful businesswoman. But, at this point, she didn’t have the tools she needed to make that first step. 

She was also wondering if she’d be able to repeat the success she had during the Challenge. Would she be able to do it on her own?

And then, she also faced some judgment from other people who couldn’t understand why she needed coaching. They also had no understanding of her wanting to have her own business. 

But, Torrie decided she just didn’t care anymore! She wanted to jump in and get it right. Prosperity was within reach, so why care about what other people think?

Her advice to anyone considering joining the Prosperity Approach is to just jump in. There’s no way to go but forward!

The Inner and Outer Game Results Torrie Noticed

The Prosperity Approach is designed so that you experience inner shifts first. For Torrie, these shifts meant being kinder to herself, doing her affirmations, and staying consistent every day. She followed the steps and she was patient with herself. It’s all about that promise you make at the beginning!

Interestingly enough, before she noticed shifts in herself, she noticed that her husband started changing his money mindset. Soon, they stopped saying “we don’t have money for that” or similar scarcity statements. 

Another shift into abundance was learning to dream big. Whereas before Torrie would see something and think “this is only for rich people”, now she allowed herself to desire the things she desired. She knew she could have that! Write it down, put it on a vision board, and let’s figure it out. 

Those were the shifts that happened before the concrete financial results. But, we all want to find out what tangible changes Torrie experienced!

For some background, Torrie didn’t contribute financially in her household for quite a stretch of years. So, when she started making $400 a month, that was huge. She then dared to dream bigger and made $2,000 in good months. 

But, what if she made $5,000 a month? What that be possible? It sounded crazy at first, but as her mindset shifted, so did her beliefs. 

And as you know, when beliefs change, so do the outer results. Soon, Torrie was making $10,000+ a month!

How Torrie Managed to Stay on Track and Consistent 

We all know that staying consistent is pretty hard. One of the hacks I share in the Prosperity Approach is to build your new habits around things that you’re already consistently doing.

For Torrie, that was exercise. She was getting up every morning to exercise, this is what she does every day. And then, she started getting up half an hour early to do her meditations. And of course, on some days we all sleep in. But, the trick is to get back on track and don’t overthink it.

Just follow the steps, one by one, and keep in mind the awesome results that are on the other side of our work.

Finally, Torrie wanted to share this message for all of you who are considering the Prosperity Approach:

“You have to know that you’re going to have a mindset change. You have to let go and welcome it. And if you just sit back and relax, and let it come in, you will find that the work comes so easily. You just have to do it. Just jump in and decide. Do all the steps, and I promise, I promise, it will work for you!”

Additional resources

Check out Torrie’s business here and here. Make sure to follow and stay in touch!

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

I’d be so grateful and honored if you took the time to subscribe and leave a rating and review

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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