What I Did to Release the Weight and Keep It Off

Prosperity rests on four cornerstones: finances, health, relationships, and spirituality. Today we’re going to shift gears and talk about health! People often ask me how I lost weight (45 pounds!). In this episode, I share my secret, and guess what? It’s not what you think.

In the Prosperity Approach, we know that everything starts with your beliefs. When you get into a prosperity mindset, everything becomes easy and pleasurable, even releasing weight. Yes, you read that right. I lost 45 pounds in four and a half months and it was FUN. It just melted off. The best part is, I never gained anything back.

Tune in today because I will teach you how to release weight in a way that’s aligned with who you are and the experience you want to have. I share my entire journey, all the steps along the way, all the beliefs I shifted, and for bonus points, you’ll also get my super powerful mantra!


My Experience With Gaining Weight

When I was building my business and doing it in the scarcity approach, it was just struggle upon struggle. It was so hard because I did have the right beliefs that would support me in scaling as fast as I was. 

You probably remember I was anxious all the time. I was so afraid I was going to fall. And I joke about it, but I really think that my body wanted to support me. The landing was going to hurt, and my body went ahead and provided a cushion in the form of extra 45 pounds. Now, I’m not very tall, just 5’2, and at 170 pounds, I was quite chunky. 

Our bodies are beautiful, magnificent, and miraculous, regardless of our shape and size. But the thing was, I didn’t feel good about that weight. I didn’t feel that was an authentic expression of who I am. 

I remember feeling a lot of self-loathing. If you’ve had any sort of body image issues, you know what that feels like. I’d turn to comfort foods (for me it was Peanut Butter M&Ms). I had a wild affair with chocolate. I was hiding in the food and I also hid behind others in pictures. I wore baggy clothes and I would do my best to stick my neck out so no one could see my double chin.

To be honest, I did everything except what I was supposed to do. Because the first step before releasing weight is to accept where you are and love yourself just the way you are, right now. 

So, I played a little game. I decided to love and appreciate my body. Even at that weight, it still carried me around. It still supported me. It still showed up for me. 

However, appreciation doesn’t mean I had to accept that weight. I reached a point where I knew that I didn’t want to look like that. I wanted to feel beautiful all the time. And, I was very specific about what I wanted. 

I wanted to quickly and easily release weight, and then easily maintain my ideal weight. 

If you ever dieted, you know the yo-yo effect can be cruel. So while losing weight was one battle, keeping it off was a whole other game. I was tired of all that. I wasn’t available for those experiences, and I was really clear about the way I want to do this.

The Key Inner Shift That Had to Happen

If I could ever hope to achieve what I set out to, I knew I had to make some inner shifts. This is the problem that millions and millions of people have. When we see the result, if we don’t like it, we go back to our actions. We change the actions in the hope that we will change the result. 

But, the fact is, our results don’t stem from our actions. Our results stem from our beliefs. It’s all a part of the belief cycle. Your beliefs create your thoughts, your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions influence your actions and behaviors, and your actions create your results. And then, your results then reinforce your beliefs. 

And so, the only way to really change your results is always, always to change your beliefs first.

This Is the Life-Changing Mantra I Used 

At that point, I was ready to become a healthy person. I was ready to change something. And just as it always happens, God provided the answer.

I went to a conference in Florida where I met this amazing woman. She was in her 60s and she was just beautiful, so healthy, so gracious. I asked her, I wanted to know: What’s your secret?

And she told me. She was using a very simple mantra, every day, whether she was driving, cooking, walking, or taking a shower.

She would constantly repeat to herself: “I eat clean. I weigh 125 pounds. My body is toned all over. My belly is flat.”

Now, if you know me, you know I was very interested to try this out. She said to expect the first results within two weeks, so I got right on it. 

I started repeating this mantra, and at the time, I was close to 170 pounds. So, what I was saying was nowhere near true. It was a pipe dream. But, this mantra was a part of redesigning my reality. It was going to usher in an inner shift that would lead to outer results. 

When All the Pieces Fall Into Place

At first, my body rebelled. My brain quickly adopted a healthy person mindset, but my body still screamed for chocolate. But, day by day, the cravings went away. As I reaffirmed my mantra, my body started to obey, because my identity was shifting.

So, the weight started coming off, and that was really reassuring. But the best part was, I started feeling so much better, so much more energized. I had kicked heavy and processed foods, and it was already giving results.

Then, the mantra took it one step further. Out of the blue, I reached out to a friend who I hadn’t seen for a year. And wouldn’t you know it, she had become a health coach in the meantime! She’d lost 50 pounds while having the experience I wanted to have. 

Her program was a direct answer to my question, and although it was expensive for me at the time, I knew I had to do it. Remember, I had promised myself to follow the nudges. I’m so glad I did, because that program was one of the greatest things that happened to me.

I lost 45 pounds in four and a half months. She was there for me every day. And every day was easy, fun, and pleasurable. I never felt like I was starving. There was no fear, no anger. The weight just melted off. 

And the best part? It never came back. This was in 2019, and today, in 2021, I’m happy to report I’m at my ideal weight. Now, of course, I would have some treats here and there. I gained and lost a few pounds at times. But, I didn’t have any anxiety around it. And a curious thing that happened, I stopped craving heavy foods, naturally. 

The whole process worked because there was no struggle. What I did was shift my identity to that of a healthy person, before I started losing any weight. And when my beliefs changed, the results followed suit. 

In Conclusion… 

Sometimes, you need to make some big changes. But, the only way that can work in the long term is if you do it one step at a time. It all must start in your beliefs. And, if I can do it, believe me, you can do it too!

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch: screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @allysonchavez_.

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