The Prosperity Approach: How It Can Work for YOU

“Sure, that method works for you, but will it work for me?” Believe me, I’ve been where you are. We think our circumstances are different, our starting point is different, or that you need to be a certain type of person for teachings to work.

But, when I cracked the manifesting code, I found myself on the other side. People were now saying: “Great, the Prosperity Approach worked for you, but my situation is different.” So, I completely understand your point, but let me tell you, I taught hundreds of people this method and it DID in fact work for them too! 

But, don’t take my word for it…

Today on the show I have a very special guest who will answer all your burning questions! 

Stephanie Gilley shares the results she’s gotten within 3 months of implementing The Prosperity Approach.  She managed to turn her life around in a very short time and she will share what she did along the way to make the Prosperity Approach work for her.

What is personal is often universal, so I’m sure you will find this talk very instructive! Tune in and let’s find out how the Prosperity Approach works in practice.

How Stephanie Knew the Prosperity Approach Was Right for Her 

By her own account, Stephanie is your typical girl-next-door. She’s been a teacher for 15 years, raised two daughters, and been a single mom for the last 10 years. Today, she’s transitioned into sales, and for the first time ever, she’s working one job instead of three. How did this happen?

At the end of 2019, Stephanie decided that 2020 would be her year to evolve. She decided that that would be the year she quit teaching and tried new things. In January 2020, she started a brand new job. At the same time, she was preparing to move after 11 years in the same house and town. 

Having made all these amazing changes, Stephanie found herself in a weird place. She was struggling to adopt the mindset of prosperity, and in fact, she was feeling a little bit guilty. She realized her money mindset was such that she was judging people who had a lot of wealth as greedy. And, she thought that wealth only comes from extremely hard work. 

She felt the nudge, and she knew it was time to change these old beliefs. And, as always, God delivers when we ask with determination. Stephanie came upon the Prosperity Experience challenge and decided to go all in.

These Are the Concerns She Had Before Starting the Challenge

The two most common objections I hear relate to money and time. Sure enough, Stephanie figured she wouldn’t have enough time to commit to the Prosperity Experience Challenge. 

However, after the first two sessions, she realized that she did in fact have time, she just managed it poorly. As she turned off the outside noise, she discovered that her attention became super focused on our work. And with that, things became very streamlined. Soon, the Challenge proved to take the load off her work, instead of adding to it. 

Stephanie also decided that this was a great time to get out of her own way. Being coachable is half the battle. When I talk to my clients, I always like to say that a lot of what I teach is something you’ve heard before. The secret is to go from knowing to having. 

This is the work we do, and that was one of the things Stephanie had to integrate. She put aside her fears and realized that knowing something isn’t enough – you also have to learn the best way to apply it. 

The First Internal Changes

Before we can even think about outside results, we need to experience the internal shift.

For Stephanie, that huge shift happened with meditation. She created her protected meditation space and figured out what meditation looks like for her. As someone who has a busy mind, this teaching helped Stephanie immensely. 

She also found more hope and faith in everything. The things that would have blown her completely off course, even six months ago, now became much less impactful. When you realize that everything happens for you, not to you, that’s exactly what happens.

The Specific Prosperity Approach Results

As Stephanie shifted her inner game and made God her source again, things started quickly unfolding in the outside world too. She gave herself permission to experience and attract prosperity, and soon, her career in sales took off. 

Through a set of completely unpredictable circumstances, she also managed to get her savings account to a point she’s comfortable with. This gift came in the form of a bank bonus she would have never found about… But, it appeared because Stephanie dared to ask for miracles. 

Another great result for her has been a meeting with her old mentor and friend. Together, they decided the time has come to set up a new business. Out of the blue, this friend decided to guide her through the business process and offer her amazing work. 

It was just one thing after another, and Stephanie rejoiced in the certainty. God delivers all the time, and he delivers exactly what you need.

The Most Important Thing About the Prosperity Approach

People usually join the Prosperity Experience Challenge so they can figure out their money mindset and finances. This was Stephanie’s reason, too. But, in the course of our work together, she found out that prosperity is about more than just financial abundance. 

Her main message to other prosperity seekers is to look for prosperity in all areas of life. With these teachings, you will see progress and glory not only with your money situation but also in your relationship with God and your friends, family, partner. 

Ready to try the Prosperity Approach yourself? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! This Challenge includes live free coaching with me for five days! 

We will hang out in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and learn all the ways to achieve prosperity. This Challenge is FREE and it’s starting soon. Together we will set you on a path of financial freedom, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible!

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

Also, my darling, don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m here for all your questions and thoughts. Let me know if there’s anything on your mind: write a review on Apple podcasts or get in touch via Instagram (@allysonchavez_) or through my Facebook page.

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