The Most Important Decision to Make About Money

Today, I want to talk about the most important decision you can make to release old beliefs and start attracting money, consistently. Making this decision will not only change how you feel about money, but it will also change how money comes to you and the experience you have when it does.

This decision is part of the groundwork we need to do to change our money mindset so that money can show up for us in a different way—without the struggle. 

I will also share some practical exercises to help you redesign your reality in a really, really powerful way. Let’s dive in!

Do You Live in a Friendly Universe?

Want to set yourself up for success in everything you do? Decide if you live in a friendly or a hostile universe. 

Is the universe friendly to your desires and dreams?

I must admit, for a long time, I felt like I lived in a hostile universe. I felt that I was on my own. It was up to me to figure out everything in my life. Nobody really cared about me. Why did I think that? Honestly, I don’t know. 

Whether it’s our upbringing or subconscious drivers we all have, now is the time to decide we actually do live in a friendly universe.

This is the decision that will lay the groundwork for how we approach life. It will define everything, from our dreams to finances. 

It’s in our power to transform and shift our mindset, so let’s decide that our universe is friendly. It’s designed to assist you in bringing your dreams into your reality. 

When you decide that the universe is friendly to your desires, you open up so many doors and opportunities and connections. You make yourself available to be dazzled and delighted. 

I highly, highly recommend you make that decision right now. It will definitely change how you see and attract money. 

The Universe Is Also Abundant

Yep, it’s true. The universe is not only rooting for you, but it’s full of wealth and abundance. The supply is unlimited and it’s available to you. 

Even if your access to money is limited right now, that doesn’t mean it will stay that way. Money ebbs and flows, sometimes it’s there, sometimes it isn’t, but the supply is never limited. 

Remember, money is currency. Currency is energy. Energy is money. Money is energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only change form. You can never run out of it. 

Our task is to reprogram our mindset so that we can stay open to the flow. 

Money is meant to flow to us, through us, and away from us. Our problem is that we get anxious and afraid when money starts flowing away because we’re so afraid it won’t ever come back. So, hear me loud and clear: That’s not true. It will always come back. 

Your Higher Power Is Always There for You

When I’ve talked with people, particularly God-centred women, there was never any pushback when we talk about the higher power. No one ever said God can’t work miracles. But, the pushback I get is this: “Yes, God can work miracles. But will he do it for me?

I have so much compassion for that, because I felt that way for so many years. It was all centered around this feeling of unworthiness. I thought I wasn’t deserving of his miracles. And because I know that what’s personal is usually universal, I know you’ve felt that way too.

So, that’s another very important decision to make around money. You need to decide that yes, God does work miracles in your life. He works miracles to you and he works miracles through you. Both experiences are very powerful. 

When we decide that God works miracles in our lives, we get to raise our expectation of how God will show up for us. 

It’s not that we cross our arms, look at our watch, and demand that God show up. What we need to understand is that God has always been showing up for us. But, our minds were so cluttered with doubt, disbelief, and confusion that we made it really hard for God to work with us in a way he wants to. We were just not open to receive his grace.

You Need to Understand This… 

God will always do his part, but we also need to do our part. Redesigning your reality is a process of co-creation. There are things for us to do and there are things that God and the universe take care of. 

The problem comes up when we try to do God’s job. That means we tangle up in the “hows”—we try to micromanage the journey and we get overly attached to the outcome.

So, what’s our part? We need to do the work that’s necessary so that we can receive God’s miracles. Actually, our part is the really fun part. We must do all that we can do, because God wants us to understand our own power. 

He wants us to really connect with the co-creative power that we have instilled in us. It’s incredibly empowering when we understand, recognize, and start using this gift. 

So, let go of the misconception that God is a genie. We rub a lamp, make a wish, and poof, it comes true. Nope. It doesn’t work this way. 

Universal laws are set up for co-creation. God wants to partner up with us and help us redesign our reality. 

Of course, sometimes miracles are handed to us. But if we want consistent flow, we need to get on a higher level and get deliberate about our intentions and our actions. 

If you want to find out exactly how God shows up for you, so you can stay open to his nudges, make sure to listen to this episode in full!

How to Raise Your Financial Frequency 

The first thing to know: It’s 100% within your power to bring more abundance into your life.

But, how do you translate that thought to real life? What are the specific things to do to change your financial frequency?

Don’t worry, I’m all about practical advice! 

The most important thing is to shift your identity. You do that by integrating all these decisions I mentioned. But, if you want a really practical exercise, here it is. This is what I did and it helped me shift my perspective. 

When I was building my business the first time, I was making about $5,000 a month. At the time, I was working with a mentor who was making about $25,000 a month. I think she was in the $300,000 a year stage. And I was just blown away by that! These numbers were not something I was used to. 

So I asked her: What do I do to get where you are? What she told me completely changed my mindset. She said: “Become the woman who makes $300,000 a year.” 

I couldn’t even contextualize that! I have no idea what that life looks like, no reference point. 

Then she gave me these prompts that I share with you as a great exercise. Ask yourself: 

“What kind of clothes does this woman wear?  Where does she shop? How does she take care of her body? What does she eat? What does she do in her spare time? What does she read? What does she talk about? What did she think about?”

The trick is to define the version of yourself who has accomplished all your goals. It’s a fun exercise that puts you at the right frequency to receive the gifts you deserve!

Additional resources

Want to experience the Prosperity Approach first hand? Join us in the Prosperity Experience Challenge! 

Join the challenge, get the free Prosperity Guide, and come share your story in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group!

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