The Three Thoughts That Will Transform Your Relationship With Money

There is so much misinformation and myths about how money works. Today I share the three things you need to know about money to change your perspective, your paradigm, and how you relate to money. 

When you change your mindset around money, that’s when money can change how it relates to you. We often want money so we can feel safe. What we need to understand is that no matter how much money you have, safety and security come from another source…

Money is all about expansion. Want to find out what that means? Read on and let’s see how you can attract a constant and limitless abundance into your life!

Money Is Not Here to Harm You—It’s Here to Bless Your Life

We’ve been getting so many mixed messages about money through our upbringing, both in our families and society. This misinformation leads to a perpetual internal conflict. This is kind of the thought process I used to have: 

“I need money, but I don’t want money. Wait, I actually want money, but I shouldn’t want money. It’s a necessary evil. But I love it. But I can’t actually love it because that’s really evil. I wish I had more. I feel resentful when it’s not here. I get upset when I don’t have enough money. But if I have too much, then that means I’m going to be greedy and selfish.”

Sounds familiar? It’s no wonder we’re all confused and anxious when the money is concerned. We have all these conflicting messages that we’re trying to process all the time. 

So, the first thing to understand is that money is neutral. It’s not here to harm you. Actually, it’s here to bless your life. 

I first learned this lesson in 2018. If you remember, I’d made the decision to follow the inspired nudges and I ended up at that $4,000 retreat. When I signed up for that program, I had no money to my name, not even credit cards. I just knew I needed to be there and the money would manifest. 

I’ll tell you exactly how that happened later, but for now, let’s focus on the paradigm shift that occurred at the retreat.

We went around the room and everybody stated what they were hoping to get out of the retreat. When it was my turn, I said I wanted to get back to $20,000 months. I enjoyed knowing that we could buy anything we wanted and we were covered for contingencies. It hasn’t been that way for quite some time, so I would like to get back to $20,000 months.

Except, I added with a hint of self-righteousness, I don’t want any of the trauma that went with that. There was such a high price tag attached to that $20,000 a month that if I have to go through that same experience to get that level of money, I wanted no part of it. 

The coach at the retreat looked at me and she said: “Why are you making money the bad guy in this situation? Money was just the innocent bystander in all of this and you made money the bad guy. You need to go write a letter of apology to money and get this relationship back on track. All money wanted to do was bless your life.” 

I was stunned by that. I thought she’d teach me how to heal the trauma around money, but she completely shifted the money story in my mind. That was the first time anybody had ever said that money is just here to bless your life. There’s nothing wrong or bad about money. 

It was so liberating to stop villainizing money and to stop feeling victimized by money. So, my dear prosperity seekers, that’s the first thing to understand about money. It’s here to bless your life!

Money Must Have a Purpose in Order for It to Come Into Your Life

Remember when I said money for the retreat came to me easily? Why was that? It was because it had a purpose. For money to show up in your life, there has to be a purpose linked to your growth. You won’t attract money if you want it to make you feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Money comes to support expansion, creativity, and growth. Let me explain.

Money is currency. Currency is energy. Money is energy, just like everything else on this planet. You, me, absolutely everything, at our very core, we are energy. We all vibrate at different frequencies and we live in a universe of expansion. The purpose of the universe is to grow: it wants greater growth, it wants more expansion. The way that the universe achieves that is through us as human beings. 

So if the universe wants to expand and grow, is there anything expansive or creative about wanting to feel safe? Not really. Money is a tool that supports our growth and it will come to us when we are focused on growing, learning, and being creative. 

Coming back to that retreat, I had a very strong purpose. The money came quickly because I showed up, I skilled up, I was so ready to grow. 

So, what’s the problem most of us have before realizing these fundamental truths?

We think that money is here to make us feel safe and comfortable. Granted, money does provide a surface level of security, but that soul-deep security that you require, that will never be provided by money. It’s not a property of money. It’s like trying to quench your thirst by drinking Sprite. It just doesn’t work! But, we don’t make it Sprite’s fault. 

We just know that we need to look for something else to quench our thirst. 

I want to tell you a short story to help you understand what I mean. The truth is, from this moment on, you don’t ever have to worry about money again, regardless of the amount on your bank account. It’s all about the mindset. 

Some time ago, I lived paycheck to paycheck, as most of us do. I’d be rich for 10 minutes when I got my paycheck and then there’d be too much month left at the end of my money. I was so anxious. I’d lie awake at night, thinking of everything that could go wrong. I just had to make more money so I could feel safe. Can you imagine, I ended up working three jobs in addition to running my own business? In my mind, there was never enough money. 

But then, maybe 10 years after that, we were making $20,000 a month. Of course, money is relative, you might think that’s a lot or nothing, but for us that amount was significant. We’ve never had that kind of money come in before, not consistently. We could buy anything we wanted. I didn’t have to look at price tags before I bought something that I wanted. I knew we could meet any emergency that could happen. We were financially secure.

And yet, I still woke up every night between two and 3 am. Again, I was so anxious. What if I had lost it all? What if I couldn’t maintain this? What will I do if I can’t grow it? And then because your results will always reflect your subconscious beliefs, that’s exactly what happened. We ended up losing all of our money. 

And I do remember very distinctly, as the dust was settling, I had a moment of clarity. I remember thinking: “Man, way back in the day, I was in anxiety when we didn’t have any money. And over the last few years, we’ve had plenty of money. And I’ve still been in anxiety. I don’t think money is the common denominator of my anxiety. I think I am the common denominator of my anxiety, the money has nothing to do with it. It is all me.” 

This was a very powerful realization and I had to look deep to see where it all went off the rails. Here’s what I found.

A Spiritual Component Is a Necessary Part of the Prosperity Approach

I had made money my source. I’d made money my God. I lived and died by how much was in a bank account. I allowed myself to grow or to shrink based on what the paycheck told me.

But, here’s the thing: it’s not money’s job to make us feel safe and secure. Money is just a channel. For soul-deep security, we have a higher power.

Money is not your source—your connection to your higher power is your source. In my world, my higher power is called God or Heavenly Father. You get to call your higher power whatever resonates with you. If your higher power is Lord, or Jesus, or his angels, or infinite intelligence, or universal energy, or heck, even Hank, it doesn’t matter. All that’s important is that you connect to your higher power and understand that your higher power is connected to the limitless supply

If you are connected to God, who is the most abundant being in the universe, then you’re also constantly connected to this limitless supply.

Channels dry up all the time. If you’re continually connected to your source, when a channel dries up, it’s not a big deal. You just go and dig another channel.

That’s why I found it so crucial to include a spiritual component in the Prosperity Approach. Through confusion and misinformation, we had made money the source of our wellbeing. It’s time to change that now. Money is a tool that helps us grow. Our higher power provides security, certainty, and safety.

An Exercise to Help You Invite Money Into Your Life

You know I love practical, applicable advice. If you choose to accept it, your assignment is to pull out a piece of paper and start writing a letter to money. I imagine all of us need to write a letter of apology to money. 

I want you to look at money as a person. Look at the relationship that you have with money. Were you needy? Were you too clingy? Were you always harping on money? Were you impatient? Did you forget to be grateful for it? 

Have fun with this, write a letter of apology to money, and then establish the new game plan. Let this plan outline how you plan to show up for money in gratitude and joyful expectation, regardless of the amount of money that comes. And ask money to show up for you consistently, with many other gifts. Promise to take great care of each other and live in joyful abundance.

This is the first in a multiple series of episodes focused on money. Tune in next week to learn more about attracting money into your life with ease!

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