This Is How The Prosperity Approach Really Works

Before I could live in prosperity, I had a scarcity mindset. Now, you’re probably familiar with this one, but to truly understand the Prosperity Approach, we must know what are the things we need to let go. 

Today, I want to take a deep dive into what The Prosperity Approach really is. Let’s break down the two parts of The Prosperity Approach and see how using it efficiently will help you redesign your reality with ease and joy.

I’ll share a practical understanding of the two main Prosperity Approach segments and you will learn how to harness the power of your thoughts, expand your wealth consciousness, and trust the Universe to deliver everything you ever wanted.

This Is What the Prosperity Approach Definitely Isn’t 

What helped me get really clear on what the Prosperity Approach was is understanding the scarcity approach. Perhaps you can relate: the scarcity approach is that sniffling, begging, pleading, longing, yearning, feeling victimized, feeling powerless, trying to believe but not really believing, filled with fear and doubt state of mind. 

You beg for things to not go wrong. You pray asking for a Hail Mary, asking God to swoop in and save you at the 11th hour. But you know what? God is also a first hour God, and he’s a third hour God and a fourth hour God! When we pray with images of what we don’t want, we don’t leave enough space for him to manifest all the miracles. 

God sends us these nudges, inspiration, ideas. They don’t come as lightning from the sky. Usually, they are whispers that can be easily dismissed when we’re filled with fear, anxiety, and disbelief. God will always be there for us, but it’s our task to make room for his gifts.

The thing is, we’re conditioned to act out of scarcity. What we often forget are the universal laws of vibration and attention. 

You get what you focus on, and what you focus on expands. If we are focused so much on the obstacle, the problem grows in intensity. 

When we’re in this state of fear and terror, it’s very difficult to create the reality we want on our terms.

So, the very first thing we need to do is lay down the blame and the judgment. The scarcity approach is ingrained in society because we’re easier to control when we’re afraid. We need to unlearn that or simply choose another way. We get to change our default. More than that, this transformation should be our #1 task. That’s the only way to fulfill our divine mission, which is to feel joy to greater and greater extents. That’s why we’re really here. 

The First Part of the Prosperity Approach

The first part is harnessing the power of your thoughts. You need to understand that you have much more influence than you think you do. We all get to control what goes on in our heads, and in fact, that’s the only thing we should control. 

There are two things you need to do to harness the power of your thoughts, so let’s see what they are.

Claim Your Desires Unapologetically

The first thing to do is claim what it is you want without apology or justification. That’s one of the hardest things for people to do. Especially where money is concerned, we all have such a hard time admitting our desires. 

There are so many weird beliefs about money, but the only thing you need to understand is that money is a great tool. You can use the money to bless your life and the lives of everyone you’re connected with. And if that’s what you show God, there’s no reason to fear corruption. You can do so many powerful and meaningful things with money. 

But no matter what you want, be it a business, the talent you want to develop, skills you want to learn, you need to understand that desire was planted in you by divinity. God is not cruel. He wouldn’t place a desire within your heart if he also didn’t give you a way to manifest it. 

With that certainty, it all comes down to claiming your desires unapologetically and without any justifications. No bargaining and no scarcity. There is enough for everyone to go around and abundance should be the norm. So let’s just be loud and proud about our desires, shall we? 

Grow Your Inner and Outer Game Skills

It’s up to you to expand your wealth consciousness and grow your skills on both levels. However, the focus should always be on your inner game skills!

When you give yourself over to certainty, all the opportunities to next-level your outer skills will present themselves with ease. But to get there, we need to get into the prosperity consciousness. 

What we need to understand is that we have a conscious mind and our subconscious mind. Our conscious mind works to get results. In our conscious mind, everything is clear and all the strategies should bear results. 

But it is the subconscious mind that creates our entire reality. That mind works to manifest our beliefs. And of the two, you will always manifest your beliefs over your results. If you want to know what your beliefs are, look at what your results are. They will always mirror each other. Your results will tell you what your beliefs are. 

Once you understand what those beliefs are, it’s time to change them so the results can be what you want them to be! 

The Second Part of the Prosperity Approach

The crucial ingredient of the Prosperity Approach is leveraging the power of the universe. It’s one of the ways that you let go of the heavy lifting. It’s one of the ways that you let go of micromanaging the journey. You are no longer all tangled up in the “how”. Now, you have permission to experience joy along the journey. 

There are very specific things that you must do in order to leverage the power of the universe. First and foremost, you need to understand the universal laws that govern prosperity and creation. Whether or not you understand the law, you’re going to get the reward or penalty that is attached to the law. It’s as simple as that. So, you need to know what those rules are. 

The rules of universal laws are as certain and as trustworthy as gravity. They work 100% of the time for 100% of people. These spiritual truths are not just theories. They create energy and a frequency that attracts everything that shows up in your life. They are also a great tool you can use to leverage the power of the universe. 

I want to make it clear that trusting the universe doesn’t mean waiting for God to resolve all our problems. We need to do our part. There’s a very specific part that’s ours and a very specific part that’s God’s. 

And when you understand what your part is, and you do your part, and only your part, then you can see how miraculous God is. God and the universe always work in timing. This understanding allows you to let everything unfold and it prepares you to be dazzled and delighted and thrilled no matter what is going on.

Consistency Is the Key to Redesigning Your Reality

The one thing that is absolutely required is consistency. The Prosperity Approach requires a level of hunger and determination. You need to decide that you’re not going to settle for mediocrity anymore. Now you know you’re not a mediocre person. You know that you are destined for greatness.

You have so much more power than you realize. When we harness the power of those thoughts, life becomes miraculous no matter what is going on. You find it so much easier to stay in the present moment. 

The Prosperity Approach means you are unavailable for the status quo. You are willing to do whatever it takes to experience life the way you want to. You can create the change you want and get all the experiences, money, and influence you want. That’s what the Prosperity Approach offers. 

How to Make the Prosperity Approach Work for You

The Prosperity Approach is my mission. I am passionate about teaching ambitious, God-centred women and men who want to end cycles of fear and scarcity. I am here to teach you how to play the inner game to win instead of playing it not to lose. 

This is the only game you must win in order to redesign your reality. 

To help you do that, I designed a free online challenge called the Prosperity Experience. I want to teach you how to grow your wealth consciousness, how to untangle from fear, and how to live in that great state of mind consistently. You will learn what it looks like to change your subconscious programs. You will learn how to use the power of gratitude and the superpower of certainty. 

We will spend five days together online in the Prosperity Experience Facebook group and you will also get the free Prosperity Guide playbook

This guide comes with real-life examples and real tools that you can use immediately. These tools are designed to weave into your life and create massive breakthroughs very, very quickly. 

I’m so excited to share this approach and this lifestyle with you. The Prosperity Experience is both fun and powerful, and if you think you’re the right fit, sign up now. We are starting a new challenge shortly!

I also want to make it clear that you can use the Prosperity Approach no matter where you are in your journey. You might be at rock bottom in a really, really hurting place. You also might be in a really fabulous place. This Approach will work regardless of where you are in your journey. Our goal is to enhance our experiences and live life with more ease, joy, dazzle, and delight!

As always, I’d be so grateful and honored to hear from YOU. Let me know how this advice helped you and what your major takeaways were! 

Either subscribe and leave a rating and review or send me a DM on Instagram.

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Make sure to enter this incredible GIVEAWAY where you can win access to my mentoring programs, courses, bestselling books, gift cards, and so much more! 

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