The Prosperity Approach: How It All Began

My name is Allyson Chavez and my mission to show you how to master your inner game so you can get out of your own way, lay down the struggle, manifest your dreams, and love life as you go. 

I know you can do it because I was where you are now. Today I want to share with you my own journey—from scaling a business too fast and packing an extra cushion of 45 pounds to living the life of my dreams.

Going Too Fast And Crashing Hard

For the past 18 years, I’ve been a mentor. But just eight years ago, I decided to start my own company. We grew from zero to $20,000 a month in just two years. 

This was an incredible success for me—I’d never made that kind of money before. But there was one big problem. I didn’t have the mental strength to sustain this kind of accelerated growth. More importantly, I didn’t have a good mindset or a strong foundation to scale up with my business. 

Naturally, my business soon began to crumble. And like any other hot-blooded, ambitious female American entrepreneur, I started working harder. 

The harder I worked, the harder that business fell. In August of 2018, we experienced a complete financial breakdown. We were in so much debt and very close to bankruptcy. 

As difficult as the situation was, my state of mind was even worse. I was beating myself up all day every day. How could I have done this to my family? 

I felt like a complete failure. I was constantly anxious and all I could do was eat. See, I was so afraid to fall, I figured I’d pack an extra 45 pounds to soften the blow. 

Not only did I feel unattractive and a fraud, I felt like an imposter. Here I was teaching mindset and yet I couldn’t get out of my own way… 

If You Get Yourself In A Mess… You Can Get Yourself Out Of It 

I was fully aware that I had created the mess that we were in. I also knew I needed to find a way out.

My first step was to set my failing business aside. I had wrapped up my value with the financial success of my business and it was driving me crazy. 

All I wanted was to feel better, even three minutes at a time. I got a job in shipping and a part-time gig as a crossing guard. But at that point, what was really important was working on my mindset. 

The Thought Experiment That Set My Family On A Path To Success

It was time to find out just how powerful I was. Can I redesign my reality? Can I transform my mindset? I settled on an idea of a thought experiment and decided to include my whole family. 

We’ve been in a hurting place for a long time and I wanted to do something that was light and fun. We all picked something that felt impossible to manifest. The experiment was to see how close we could get to it by the end of the year. 

My impossible thing was taking the whole family to Hawaii for a week. Immediately I was overwhelmed and thinking that’s irresponsible, reckless, impossible. We were in such a dire financial situation, what would people think if the six of us went to Hawaii?

To tell you the truth, I just didn’t care. I had no idea how, but I knew we were going. With this confidence, after only 90 days, all of us had manifested our goals. And you know what? It was fun, it was a delight, it was joyful, and it was easy.

The trick for me was choosing something that really felt impossible. If we didn’t end up going to Hawaii, that would be OK. But if I failed in my business, that would mean some dire consequences. The fact that Hawaii didn’t carry this life-altering risk made it easy to play and make mistakes. 

It also made it easy to receive all those miracles. 

My Journey From Eight Clients In May To 97 Clients Six Months Later

When we got home from Hawaii, I knew I had stumbled into gold. Immediately, I sat down and wrote, step-by-step, exactly what I did to manifest my dream. 

I looked at that document and I thought: “There it is. I cracked the manifesting code.”

These were practical solutions that made sense and I knew I had to share this with the world.

Now, there were a couple of things that we’re still missing. The biggest one was that I couldn’t figure out how to manifest a consistent cash flow. We were now breaking even, but we weren’t ahead.

The first step was to stop pumping money into my failing business. The second? It was admitting that I needed help.

We scraped together enough money and I went to a conference in Orlando. It was while I was listening to all those inspiring speakers that I decided the money would never again be the boss of me. 

I learned two things. First, I learned how money works on a vibrational and a spiritual level. And second, I learned how to change my subconscious beliefs. I took this knowledge to heart and began practicing it immediately. 

Within a month, we made $15,000. That was May. In June, we made $23,000 in a week, July was a $40,000 month. We had gone from bankrupt to $232,000. I’d gone from eight clients in May to 97 clients six months later. 

And the entire journey was filled with joy and ease and flow and growth. 

Challenge Is Necessary For Success, But Struggle Definitely Isn’t 

This time wasn’t without its challenges, but I wasn’t terrorizing myself anymore. I was no longer anxious and I had a healthy hunger for bigger and better things. 

Now that I had figured out the money part, I reversed-engineered the inner game strategies that led me to success. I made half a million even in 2020! Can you imagine? And it was all because I changed my mindset.

Because let me tell you, we don’t need to struggle. Society teaches us that to succeed, we need to sacrifice our health, time, and family. But I learned that this is just not true. The struggle has no value.

Challenge, on the other hand, is something we all need to embrace. We’re wired for challenge, we enjoy solving problems. The difference? Struggle happens to us, challenge happens for us. It’s time we rise to the occasion. 

Play The Inner Game To Win Instead Of Playing Not To Lose

In the course of all these ups and downs, I learned how to play the inner game to win instead of playing not to lose. 

Now I’m on a mission to teach other ambitious, God-centred women and men how to permanently lay down the struggle and get out of their own way.

I am here to help you transform from the mindset of scarcity and lack, which has nothing to do with the amount of money in your account. 

The moment you lay down the struggle, that’s the moment you can naturally grow into who you are meant to be. 

Join me as we learn the art of manifesting, break mental blocks around money, and create success without the struggle!

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