This past week I was in California for business. The picture is the intention I carved at Newport Beach early one morning.

As I’ve walked my own path to transformation, I’ve realized that it’s not just saying affirmations that lead to transformation. It’s not hard work alone that leads to transformation. These three things that I wrote on the beach–power, love and certainty–are the key ingredients to transformation.
When we start asking ourselves powerful questions, we receive powerful answers. As I began asking myself in every situation how I could show up powerfully, my inner stance began to change.
Rather than asking questions that fueled weakness, such as “Why can’t I lose weight?” or “Why isn’t anything changing?” I began to ask, “How am I going to show up powerfully today?” and “What can I do today to get me closer to my ideal weight?”
Asking powerful questions leads to powerful stances, which leads to powerful outcomes.
Love. Along your road to greatness, there will always, always, always be situations that will test and challenge you. It’s part of the qualifying process God and the universe have set up to prepare you to receive all the abundance and prosperity you want. During those trying times, however, we can feel a lot of resistance to what is.
One thing that’s helped me to increase my love is to ask myself how this particular situation is perfect for me right now. When my kids are being bratty, when I’ve had a fight with my husband, when things aren’t working the way I want them to in my business, I get to ask myself the powerful question that increases my love: How is this perfect for me right now?
When I start seeing the gifts God has laced through every situation in my life, it helps me appreciate more and understand that I never walk my path alone. It increases my love for the situation, and even love and patience for myself as I’m learning and growing in ways I’d never foreseen.
Certainty. Certainty is different from confidence. Certainty is a deep knowing within that everything will work out, even if you don’t know how it will all work out. It’s another word for faith. when you move forward in certainty, you allow yourself to take risks, fail, and try new things.
These three keys unlock the door to your transformation.
When I continue to declare that I’m certain of my ability to create the life I desire, and I’m certain that God and universe are backing up to assist me with that desire, it infuses my day with more love, power, and joy, than anything else.
I say these 3 power words each day, to set my intention and flow through the day.
Try this on and see what outcomes you can create!
To Your Ultimate Prosperity!