Can Gratitude Make You Wealthy?

Infinite GratitudeMy 2016 was filled with so much joy, so much fear, so many opportunities, and so many disappointments for me. How about you? I’m truly grateful for the fear and disappointments I experienced, because at the end of the year I decided that I had one job and one job only: to get on the frequency of gratitude, and stay there no matter what.

Most people think they’re connected to gratitude because they have a big list of things they’re grateful for, but gratitude is a lot more than that. It’s a literal frequency, a vibration, and once you connect with it and stay connected, it has the ability to create some pretty massive miracles in your life. Gratitude ranks up there with joy and love, which are the highest vibrations available to us.

Just listing a bunch of things you’re grateful for doesn’t make you a grateful person. How many times have you rolled your eyes (either figuratively or literally) and “counted your blessings,” and yet you still felt disconnected, unsupported, lonely, broke and sick? Yeah, you weren’t connected to gratitude in that moment.

Before the year ended I made a commitment to myself to connect with gratitude every day and stay there no matter what. I decided I was a “whatever it takes, no matter what” kind of person where gratitude was concerned, and began practicing what Pam Grout calls in her book “Thank and Grow Rich” “militant gratitude.”

It’s already had a profound affect in my life.

Worry and gratitude do not exist on the same frequency. So, when I’m feeling worried, anxious, fearful or upset, I know right in that moment I’m not connected, and do whatever it takes to let go of that lower vibration to raise to the higher vibration of gratitude.

Please understand: this is NOT “Wow, my life is a crap hole but I’m so grateful for it” kind of thinking. Even if your life does feel like a crap hole right now (that sounds so crass, but it’s what keeps coming to mind—perhaps because you can relate to it?), getting on the gratitude frequency requires that you look into that mess and find the blessings in it. Find what IS working in your life. They’re there, but you have to look for them.

When you can lock on those blessings and focus only on those, the gifts in the situation, and what you WANT to experience, your vibration will raise. You’ll begin to connect to gratitude. And in that moment, you’ll be sending out a literal vibration into the universe that starts changing your circumstances! Seriously. You’re influencing your future in that moment that you’re really feeling that vibration of gratitude. You’re also influencing your future for more of the same when you wallow in despair, frustration or anxiety.

Is it hard to do? Sometimes. But once you learn to do it, you’ll feel stable no matter what is going on, you’ll begin to have deeper trust in yourself and your Higher Power in your ability to create the life you desire, and you’ll grow faster than you ever imagined! When you can really see the big picture of what’s going on inside you (and outside you) based on your thoughts, you can apply the simple process to detecting where you are and where you want to be, and very logically connect to the frequency you desire, and then let the universe do the rest. This is a universal principle that you can bank on every single time you want to change your circumstances.

Later this week I’ll post a video that goes into more detail, and the inspired idea that came to me in Costco! This idea, if implemented, WILL change your life to the degree you allow it to. I can’t wait to share more with you!

Until then, be aware of how often you FEEL grateful, peaceful and happy during the day versus how often you feel anxious, worried or upset. It’s a BIG clue to the direction your life will go.

P.S. to answer the question “Can gratitude make you wealthy?” the answer is Yes! And I’ll show you how soon.


4 thoughts on “Can Gratitude Make You Wealthy?”

  1. Thanks for that. I have been writing a list of things that I am grateful for. Sometimes it as made me feel happier but most times not. I will keep writing my list but will add in your idea of searching for the good things in my life. Things that make me feel happy and try to hold on to the vibration.

  2. Hi Allyson, I am still so grateful to YOU being a part of my life. Every time I think of this, I feel my gratitude soar!

    Right now, my husband has been going through pinched nerves (3) sciatica being one; and he had been complaining about the pain constantly, well, you know how I answered him, don’t you? haha he probably didn’t think I was helping him, but I wasn’t going to enable him to more pain. Guess that was the reason I went through so much pain, so I could empathize how it was challenging to change your thoughts to be grateful. Well, now he is starting to change his thoughts to I will be better again, and now we are on a path that we both agree to try. (He was going to get the epidural shot, but neither of us felt good about that – intuition). Now we are going to Canada for acupuncture. We both feel calm about this decision. Thank you for helping me to help others through their tough times. Although he may have not liked my method, I didn’t give in to “HIS” pain. It was empowering to know how to help him through this difficult time.

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