The Magic of Believing

I’ve been reading this incredible book by Claude M. Bristol called “The Magic of Believing.” It’s considered a classic—written in the 1940s—which means the type is tiny on the page, with very little margins on the sides, the top or the bottom. It’s one of THOSE kind of books. And I love it!

What I love about it is that it teaches the power we hold in our minds to radically change our reality. And I don’t know about you, but I can certainly use a big dose of empowerment right now, especially with the state of confusion and rage the world seems to be in.

Some of my favorite excerpts from the book:

Persistence gives confidence, and continued right mental attitude followed by consistent action will bring success.

…people act as they think and also react to the thought of others, especially when it is stronger and more convincing than their own.

There is no limit to the supply, but the more precious the thing you seek, the higher the price. For everything we obtain we must barter the gold of our own spirits…

Something more than hard work is necessary for success: it is creative thinking and the firm belief in
your ability to execute your ideas.

Some people’s belief in themselves and their abilities is a little shaky. Some people have that “monkey mind” that just won’t give them peace when they want to stretch their wings and create something different. But you can learn how to manage that monkey mind, and you can increase your belief in yourself and your abilities.

This is just a part of what I teach in my programs. I can tell within five minutes of speaking to you what kind of mindset you have, what your overall vibration is, and what you’re creating in your life. And I can teach you how to shift all of that up.

Because proper mindset and holding higher vibrations are not talents; they are skills.

And if you want to create the life of your dreams, these are the life skills that will do it.

6 thoughts on “The Magic of Believing”

  1. That’s wonderful Peggi! Here’s to growing book lists and lots of learning. So exciting!!

  2. Allyson…
    Can you tell in 5 Minutes if my thyroid gland is causing my depressed state too? I mean I am exhausted trying to cope and get some productive thoughts and work done. I live in despair and it is attracting crappy results and relationships.

    No amount of exe4cise, diet, energetic shifting, prayer of faith or new thinking seems to overcome the mire of fog and depression I victimization I live with.

  3. If you’re doing everything you can and no relief is coming, get it checked out by a medical doctor. Sometimes our body needs a bit of help getting back into a state of balance, and it needs the physical assistance of medicine. Once that fog lifts it makes it infinitely easier to think more supporting thoughts and attract more supportive experiences. You do have a whole lot more control than you think, though. Thoughts are power!

  4. It’s such a great book! I recommend getting this book and reading it for greater understanding and inspiration.

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