“Mental work is the hardest work in the world to do. That’s why most people won’t do it.”
–Wallace Wattles
I tell my clients this quote all the time, to remind them that I know full well that making miracles takes a lot of mental toughness. That’s why so many people get started and then fizzle out on what they want to create. The mental toughness isn’t there yet. We’re conditioned to be mentally weak: we don’t do things unless we feel like it, we’re told not to push ourselves too hard or we’ll burn ourselves out, we’d rather sleep than exercise and we live in a society that preaches instant gratification all the time.
The truth is, there is a universal law of creation called Gestation that says there is a finite period between the idea we have to create something and it actually showing up in physical form. We don’t get to determine how long that period is, but we do get to use this time lag to our best advantage by developing mental toughness.
We develop that mental muscle when we refuse to entertain low vibrating thoughts of fear and doubt, when we stay committed to manifesting our idea, when we push forward, especially when it starts getting hard or painful and our mind tells us to quit. (Which it will, all the time.)
The only way to change your outer world is by changing your inner thoughts and beliefs. And you start that by being committed to changing them, no matter what it takes.