I’ve never shared this publicly before

“More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind.”
– Marcus Tulius Cicero

I remember feeling bound up in anxiety about whether to move forward or stay where I was, no matter what it was. The indecision was caused by my fear of what could go wrong and my desire not to make a mistake. There was a relief that came when the opportunity passed by and I didn’t take it, because I told myself I was safe.

Only I wasn’t safe.

I was stuck.

Stuck in a pattern of untrained thinking that made making decisions incredibly difficult for me, because I was conditioned to focus on all the terrible things that “could” go wrong. And because I was a perfectionist, I didn’t want to do anything new until I was good at it. And how much sense does THAT make? How do I even GET good if I don’t start practicing it?

And yet, I was so unhappy with where I was in life. On the outside life looked fantastic! I had a great marriage, 4 healthy, loving and respectful kids, and a successful career. But my soul was crying out for more, my heart was longing to sing a different song. And my head kept screaming what a coward I was for not moving forward, immediately followed by the disaster that surely loomed ahead if I did.

And then I made The Phone Call. I asked a colleague to share with me the secret to her success. And she told me about this incredible mentor she hired. And she blew my mind open with possibilities.

And my heart was singing. But my mind was screaming about the danger.

I couldn’t sleep after talking to her. The mentor she talked about had a program that cost thousands of dollars (which we didn’t have) and was a 12 month commitment (which felt too long to make). I remember going out to the couch to sleep, because I didn’t want my tossing and turning to wake my husband.

An image came to my mind.

I saw myself in front of a locked gate. And there were thousands of people behind that gate, wanting so badly to get through. And I was the one who held the key. In my mind I opened that gate and just watched countless people stream through.

And I knew.

I knew I needed to take that leap and hire a mentor. Was I still scared? Oh, HECK yeah! But that glimpse into possibility that my intuition showed me was enough to take a deep breath, sign the darn contract, and begin the most amazing journey in my life.

Because I trusted long enough to take a step I’ve learned how to change the entire way I THINK. I’ve healed generations of pain and struggle, I’ve experienced greater abundance, joy and opportunities than I ever imagined I would in my life. And best of all, I’m changing the way my children think about life and their ability to create.

We’re down to the final days that Miracle Academy is accepting new students. If it’s been on your mind but you keep waffling about whether or not to do this, just jump on the phone with me for a few minutes and let’s see if this is a good fit. I have very limited times available to talk this week, so CLICK HERE to schedule a free Creation Call with me. If you’re ready to get different results, let’s talk about what you need to do differently so you can.

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