Your Money Problems Aren’t The Problem

I remember years ago, frantically going through the checkbook, trying to figure out HOW our money kept slipping through our hands like water so fast. WAAAY too much month left at the end of our money. What did I need to DO differently, so we could hold onto our money?

AHA! I had it! Sell our nice van, pay off the credit cards and then cut them up, and that way we’d have close to 1000 extra dollars every month that we got to keep!

So that’s exactly what we did. It took a couple of months, but that day when we were “debt-free” except for a modest house payment was pure FREEDOM!!…which lasted about 6 weeks. No, we didn’t go out and get a loan for another car. We bought a beater van with cash and were very happy not to have a car payment. No, we didn’t open up another credit card account. But we STILL didn’t have enough money!

What was the deal?? Did we need to get more part-time jobs (I already had 4, for crying out loud!), not eat meat for dinner, bake our own bread? What did we need to do?

Can you relate to this feeling of frustration and desperation?

Thankfully, I discovered what was really going on. And knowing that changed absolutely everything.

The deal is that whatever problem you’re having right now, whether it’s with money, your weight, your relationships or your health, is not the problem…it’s the result of programming and thoughts you’ve played in your head for years.

Most people look at the “fruit” or results they’re experiencing and focus all their attention on changing that fruit, which is pointless because that fruit is already there. You can’t yell at the fruit to grow sweet when it’s bitter, or to get bigger because it’s too small. You deal with the fruit that’s there and then go to the root and change THAT if you expect to get different fruit.

Changing the root is hard to do on your own. It takes focus, commitment, and a ton of discipline. It’s filled with blind spots that spin you because you couldn’t see them (hence the name “blind spots”).

That’s why I created Miracle Academy. To help you stop focusing and freaking out on your current fruit (read “results”) and teach you how to effectively replace the root, which will get you different results!

Look, you already know what fruit you’ve gotten, because you’re experiencing it right now. If you want to know how to actually change it, let’s talk! Let’s spend a few minutes on the fruit, and a few minutes on how to change the root, and get you set up for success in every area of your life. The call is free, customized to you and is called a Creation Call. I’m opening up some more spots for you this week. Let’s start creating what you want…instead of what you’ve already got. Book your free call at 

4 thoughts on “Your Money Problems Aren’t The Problem”

  1. I host an online Global Training Academy and Tele-seminar Series called Emboldened Heart, which focuses on heart-based living and personal transformation. I would love to interview you on my program and co-promote a package of your work. Please let me know if you would be interested. My community numbers just over 12,000 listeners and learners.

  2. Allyson Chavez

    Hi Malinda,
    Thank you for reaching out. I’ll have my assistant contact you.

  3. Dear Allyson –
    We phoned several months ago – your thinking impressed me, but we didn’t come to an action plan…reading your blog today gave me some hope that we might wake me up to use the discipline I’ve buried deeply inside…and ought to be using my psychological training..
    I’ve been deteriorating from neuropathy for two years, use a cane to walk shakily,, want to avoid a wheelchaired future.

  4. Hi Jay,
    It sounds like you need a mentor to help keep you accountable to being disciplined in your thoughts and using your training. If you’d like to talk about private mentoring with me, I’d love to hop on the phone with you! Please send me an email at and we can schedule an appointment to visit for a few minutes.
    Thanks for reaching out again! I look forward to speaking with you again, as I enjoyed our first call.

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