How to make miracles in 1 minute or less

We live in such a world of extremes-extreme weight loss, extreme home make-overs, extreme sports—and we tend to swing from one end of the pendulum to the other. But miracles aren’t as far out of reach as you might think.

In fact, in order to consistently create the miraculous life you want you need to avoid extremes. “Moderation in all things” isn’t just a good idea or an old saying from years gone by, it’s the way to make miracles. Great things happen with small starts. Actually, miraculous things happen with small starts. Big miracles have to start small. But we don’t end with small miracles; we grow into them.

Let me give you an example. If you don’t have a job but want to make $10k a month, chances are very slim that you’ll just suddenly find yourself able to hold that kind of money every month. In fact, if you’ve never made that kind of money before, I guarantee you won’t be able to hold that much for very long. (Simply because you’re not an energetic match to it.)

You’ve got to work up to it. So you start where you’re at, feeling gratitude for the miracles and blessings that are already part of your life (and I don’t care what’s going on in your circumstances, you are STILL surrounded by miracles and blessings—you just have to look for them), and then start seeing how you can GROW your capacity to hold more. This might look like getting whatever job you can, at whatever pay you can, and then seeing how you can take on more responsibility with your job, where you can add value to your employer (without being concerned about being paid for your efforts), and watching how your opportunities grow.

As you stay consistent and determined, your opportunities WILL grow! You’ll get noticed, and other opportunities will come to you. It might not be within the company you’re currently in, but you’ll meet people who will give you greater opportunities to grow into your miracle. (It’s the law of sufficiency and abundance.)

So, I thought it would be a ton of fun to get you connected to and making your own miracles by small and simple ways. I’ve started a series called One Minute Miracles. These are short videos that show you how you can connect to and make miracles in one minute or less. Check out the first video now!

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