Are you a summit junkie?

Then you need this.

I love hosting summits. I love the great content as experts get together to share powerful tools that will transform your life. I love the high energy and sense of hope and optimism summits bring. But when you start hopping from one summit to the next, we’ve got a problem.

Unless you put some skin in the game, summits don’t have the power to transform you.

Yes, they feel good; that’s what they’re intended to do! But you end up flitting from one summit to another, looking for the next hit. You’re not actually putting into practice what you’re being taught.

This plan of action will not transform you. In fact, it’s actually quite destructive. It keeps you in a pattern of non-commitment and zero accountability.

You’re fooling yourself if you think that by listening to summit after summit you’re actually going to change your life.

What you need to do is pick the ONE expert you resonate with the most, and follow them. Unsubscribe from everyone else and resist the temptation to sign up for another free anything. See what programs your expert has to offer, and see what you need to do to work with her (or him).

That’s why all of the experts on those summits have programs designed to help you with whatever problem you want solved. They know that an investment is required to create lasting change. An investment of time, and to keep you committed, an investment of money. They also know that accountability and community is key to changing your life.

You don’t need yet another summit.

You need to trust yourself and your ability to create miracles in your life, and that includes trusting that you can finance your higher education to learn the skills you need so that you can manifest your dreams in their physical state, rather than the dream state they’ve stayed in.

It wasn’t until I committed and started working with a coach that I made the shifts required to create a multiple 6 figure business that lights me up, a better relationship with my husband and kids, and a healthy relationship with money.

Was it scary? Heck yes!! But it was the best decision I ever made.

So…what do you want to build?

What’s your dream?

I have a tough question for you…are these summits getting you any closer, or are they just making you feel good (even though you aren’t taking any action or making any progress?)

Are you any closer to your goals than you were three months ago?

Miracles are meant to happen in your life.
Miracles happen when you commit.
Let’s see what’s stopping you.
Let’s see if we’re a good fit to work together.
And let’s make this real.

Book your Clarity Breakthrough Session at

P.S. I normally take the last week of every month off; but I feel a sense of urgency around this, so I’m opening up the first three days of next week only. Just for you. Only for Clarity Breakthrough Sessions.

That’s how important this is, and how much I believe in YOU! BOOK IT HERE.

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