What's Your Style?

My theme for this year is Ease & Flow. I picked this theme because it aligns with my feminine energy, which I am committed to leading out with this year. I know just how to create in masculinity—I want to give my feminine energy a go! I have this deep sense of knowing that once I balance the two, life will open up for me in a way I’ve never experienced before!

So, I’d love to hear from you what you do to get into ease and flow. I’ve included my list below, and I want you to add to it!

  • adult coloring books and colored pencils
  • wearing skirts more often
  • dancing to music that I love
  • spending more time outside
  • more sex with my husband (admittedly, this one is a challenge for me because I’m so in my head all the time! But Jeremy is fully on board!)
  • more breaks reading lighthearted books
  • paint by numbers
  • brushing up on my piano skills
  • playtime
  • girls night

So, help me add to my list, will you? What do you do to unwind and play? I’d love for YOU to experience more ease and flow in your life as well, so use my list too. But let’s get a HUGE list we can refer to when we’re just feeling burned out, overwhelmed or empty. Thanks for contributing!

2 thoughts on “What's Your Style?”

  1. I’ve been enough for all my life, with a high IQ (Mensa member 50 yers), 3 degrees, background in engineering, counseling, psychology, published 2 poetry books, am a sculptor…but always always feeling I’m “not enough” to marry, lead anyone, teach or enjoy life.

  2. If I may be so bold, it looks like you’ve spent your life looking outside yourself to be validated that you are, indeed, “enough.” Time to really lay claim on your intrinsic value, that doesn’t depend on how many degrees you have or how many points your IQ is. It feels like you have a deep seated belief that no matter what you do you’re not enough in the things that really matter to you. As long as you continue in that belief, you’ll continue to find evidence that you’re right. So you get to dig out that belief, plant the new, empowering belief that you are enough, right now, to create the life you want to live. And as you nurture THAT belief, you’ll find evidence that you’re right! Easier said than done, I know. But it can be done, and it must be done if you want to shift to joy.

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