Are you a yes man?

If you are really serious about making miracles real in your life, you must go where the miracles are. Miracles live in the energy of yes. The world we live in, however, is all about the no.

“It’s too expensive.”

“I don’t have time to do all that.”

“I’ve got a family to think about. Doing what I want would be selfish.”

“HOW could THAT POSSIBLY happen?”

And, my all-time favorite: “Oh, I can’t afford that.”

If you’re going to make miracles real, though (and I KNOW you can because I do it and my clients do it all the time), you’ve got to train yourself to stop following the no, and start following the yes.

If you want to create more money, for example, you must start saying yes to opportunities that will lead you to more money. The first opportunity would be practicing the art of receiving. If you struggle with money coming and staying, I know immediately that you have a hard time allowing yourself to receive. So, now you get to practice receiving compliments without derision or blowing them off, accepting help without immediately thinking you must repay them to keep the scoreboard even, and even receiving instruction or advice, or new ideas.

(Did your mind immediately tell you that receiving compliments wouldn’t lead to more money, or that it might work for me but it won’t work for you? Did you shut down? Notice where your thoughts took you—to the yes or to the no.)

For the next few days, follow the yes. Start looking for ways an idea might work, rather than shutting down and going to all the ways an idea won’t. If you actually do this, you’ll find this to be so enlightening, and as you follow the yes, you’ll feel more and more empowered.

Yes is expansive. No is constricting. Making miracles are our soul’s desire to expand, because that’s what we came here to do. Comment below what ‘yes’ you’re going to follow, and allow me to support you on this experiment!

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