Find Your Way to YES

After “practicing” trusting my intuition over the last 3 years, leap frogging just a little bit here and little bit there (though it felt like a really big leap to me at the time), I finally feel like I’m ready to go big with my intuition. (Which is actually a little scary if you think about it. Wink wink!)

Being here in Hawaii for the first time has already been so good for my soul. I’m so happy I followed my intuition to make this vacation real now. And I’m so excited to see what other amazing, expansive adventures my intuition has in store for me!

I’m learning that the more you say yes to your intuition—and MEAN it, which means you ACT on the nudges or promptings you get—the more you not only trust your intuition, but the more your intuition actually trusts you. And that means it will give you more wonderful opportunities to say YES to! The more you say yes and act, the bigger yeses it will give you to act on.

I might be on to something here!

Play with me for a minute. For the next few days, find a way to say YES to everything that feels expansive to you (even if there is a little bit of fear mixed in, which there will be). If your child wants to cuddle but you’re in the middle of something, find the way to YES. But say yes FIRST, and THEN get into action about making that yes real.

Yeses, like promises, don’t mean anything until you back them up with action.

Tell me what you said yes to and what happened as a result. Have some fun with this! This is another clue to unraveling the intuition mystery.

Post your results in the comments below!

[ezcol_1half style=”text-align:center;”]aulani-resort
Aulani Resort, Hawaii[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end style=”text-align:center;”]morning-walk
On a morning walk outside the resort[/ezcol_1half_end]


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