Are you going to make this real?

Today my husband and I are on our way to spend 9 glorious days in Hawaii! Our 20th anniversary is this year in November, and even though we’re 10 months early “for some reason” being in Hawaii on January 20th jumped out at me, so we booked airfare and we’re headed out!

I have no idea why I need to be in Hawaii on January 20th. And it was dang scary to plop down airfare and plan 9 full days away from our four children, because NOW IT WAS REAL!

And going to Hawaii brought up a lot of limiting beliefs in me that surprised me:

  • I was afraid I’d make people mad because I was leaving for so long, taking off more time than my “allowed” flex week the last week of the month
  • I was afraid of the financial commitment, even though we’re in a position to easily pay for 9 days in Hawaii (thank you Heavenly Father and my angels!)
  • I felt the need to ask permission to go. Permission from who, you ask? I HAVE NO IDEA!

However, one of the biggest reasons I need to be in Hawaii right now is that I’m committed to living in ease and flow, connecting to my feminine energy and power, and deepen my trust in my intuition, God, and my angels. And to honor the new rule I set that the only permission I need to create the life I want is God’s and my own.

Since declaring that, the Universe is saying, “Oh really? Awesome! Let’s see if you really mean that. Here’s a deal on airfare. Are you going to take it? Here’s a special on the Aulani resort, where you’ve always wanted to stay. Are you going to make this real?”

If you want to trust your intuition enough that you actually act on it (which is the #2 thing people said they wanted to learn this year in my recent survey), you start by recognizing when it’s speaking to you in the first place!

Intuition never speaks in the language of fear. It never speaks down to you. And it always, always, always leaves the choice up to you.

My intuition didn’t say, “Allyson, you HAVE to be in Hawaii this week! If you don’t you’ll be making a huge mistake. I keep TELLING you to go big. Why don’t you LISTEN, you idiot! You’re going to ruin everything.” (Does this language sound kind of familiar? Yeah, that’s NOT your intuition.)

My intuition nudged me, keeping Hawaii on my radar. I saw Hawaii stickers and flip flops everywhere—and this was December! I kept getting alerts for airfare. And when I saw January 20th something jumped inside me. My intuition whispered and invited, then pointed me to opportunities to make it easier to say yes.

A great deal on airfare, coupled with a travel voucher, made it possible for my husband and me to get there for $375 apiece. Which, if you watch airfare to Hawaii at all, is fantastic! The Disney resort Aulani had a winter sale going on for 30% off rooms, which made it easier to say yes to my dream to stay on that resort. Is something starting to click here for you a little bit?

I was willing to make it real, even with my limiting beliefs and insecurities surfacing the way they did. There is always an element of fear involved when our intuition is asking us to take a leap and follow it into the unknown. Our brain is very in tune to fear, which is loud, obnoxious and overbearing (kind of like this guy I dated in college).

Whichever voice you listen more to –fear or inspiration– gets louder and easier to follow.

So, just for this week, pay attention to which voice you listen to the most.
Is it the loud voice telling you to stay still and keep your trap shut to keep the peace?
Or is it the soft nudging of, “Wow, I’d really like to…”
This is the first step to trusting and following your intuition: know which voice you’re obeying more.

Oooh, this is fun! Stay tuned for another clue to the intuition mystery. Until then, aloha!

2 thoughts on “Are you going to make this real?”

  1. Love this Allyson ~ have a great trip! And this post by you is the 4th time in 6 days someone has talked to me about a beach trip! Alrighty, I am listening…thank you for the nudge and reminder. Now I’m just waiting for those $375. tickets to show up, haha.

  2. Carolyn: that’s hysterical! Yes, time for you to take the hint and plan a beach trip. You won’t regret it! And invite me along too…

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