What’s your theme for 2016?

When I first started learning how to make miracles, it was hard. It was hard because I made it that way. It wasn’t until a couple of years into it that I realized it could actually be much easier, much more fun, than I had allowed it to be. So last year I created a theme for my business and my life: Joy. I wanted to connect with joy in as many ways as I could find.

I realized that I’d been connected to the form for my whole life, and by insisting that my miracles show up in a particular way, I was actually closing the door on a lot of miraculous opportunities and experiences.

I wanted to weigh a certain amount, wear a certain size in clothes, have a certain number in my bank account and then I would feel successful. And since I never hit any of those numbers, success was always just out of my reach.

But this past year I scrapped all of that and decided joy could come in any way it wanted to. I wasn’t going to turn it away because it wasn’t packaged in the way I prescribed. And guess what? It came in so many varieties even I was astounded!

I didn’t go down to the size 4 or 6 or even 8 that I wanted, but joy came as I connected with my body in a healthier way than I ever had before, and embraced my womanhood and femininity in ways I never had.

I focused on serving, shining and inviting, and my bank account exploded in a way it never had before—tripling my business from last year. But rather than money being the miracle, I allowed it to come in as a perk, which gave it the necessary space for even more to come in! The miracle, the joy I connected to, was the incredible women (and men) I got to help along their journey.

Joy came with a deeper connection to my husband, and more time with my children. It came as I felt more love for my family, my clients, and the youth I serve in my church. Joy came as I did hard things like run two half marathons, cut out sugar except once a week, and make financial investments like hiring an executive assistant, auxiliary coach and more personal coaches for me which felt stretchy and uncertain. It came with cuddles with my 9 year old daughter, midnight talks with my 18 year old son after he returned home from a date, sharing hard work outs with my 15 year old son and helping my 12 year old son through the challenge of very few friends in elementary school to a ton of friends in junior high! (We had lots of angel talks and gratitude talks during that time, and used a ton of Citrus Bliss essential oil!)

As I grew this year, I let go of how things “should” look, I let go of judging my worth by my numbers and I let it be easier than it’s ever been in the past. And what a remarkably joyful year it’s been!

So this year, I want to see how much I can grow by connecting to Ease and Flow. That’s my theme for 2016. There’s not enough play in my life—I want to lighten it up. Miracle making is stretchy, but it’s also a ton of fun!!

What do you want your theme for 2016 to be? Post it below. I’d love to hear what you want to connect with!

9 thoughts on “What’s your theme for 2016?”

  1. Confidence in myself. My new career to take off with acceptance of needing a musical mindset coach. New ideas on how to present myself and my knowledge that will help singers more confident in themselves.

  2. Hi Allyson ! My theme of the new year is : be and become ,moment to moment, conscious of my inner I AM Presence, FEEL it from the inside out, the vibrat aliveness that I AM.
    This is for me the base for ANYTHING, also miracle-making.

    Bright blessings to you the whole year through !
    Dagmar from Finland

  3. For years I’ve worked hard at everything to improve my lot in life. After reading above I realize and accept that like you I’ve been focusing too hard and therefore pushing the things I desire the most away from me. I guess that is the untruth of the Law of Attraction.

  4. That’s actually using the Law of Perpetual Transmutation incorrectly. Google it and see where you’ve nailed that law, and where you’re falling short. It can change your life! It did mine. 🙂

  5. Fantastic theme! I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what comes about when you love your self.

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