Creative Living Requires Courage

Are you ready to be brave?

big-magic-bookI was in Target last week, aimlessly wandering around looking for something to spend a $20 gift card on, when this book, “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert, leaped off the shelf at me. When I saw the tagline: “creative living beyond fear” I knew what that gift card would be used for.

She speaks of a poetry professor, Jack Gilbert, who was beloved by all of his students, because he didn’t so much teach them about how to write poetry, but why: for delight. He asked his students to be brave.

He said that without bravery, they would never know the world as richly as it longs to be known, and their lives would remain small—much smaller than they probably wanted their lives to be.

One day he pulled one of his students aside after class, complimented her on her work and asked her what she wanted to do with her life. She very hesitantly told him she thought she might want to be a writer. He smiled at her compassionately and asked this: “Do you have the courage? Do have the courage to bring forth this work? The treasures that are hidden inside you are hoping you will say yes.”

Reading that almost makes me want to cry, because I can feel the truth in those words!

“The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to uncover those jewels…is creative living.” –Elizabeth Gilbert

Are you ready to be courageous, to hunt for those jewels and uncover them when you find them?

Because they’re there to be found, and they want to be found by you.

Sending you love and courage to make your miracles!


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