Are You Scared?

For those of you in the US, Happy Labor Day yesterday! This holiday marks the end of summer, and the final quarter of the year—whoa!

Are you scared?

If you pay attention to the news, media, or follow doomsayers, you might be in a lot of fear right now. Some sort of collapse is supposed to be happening this month. Every time you look at a magazine or flip on the news, we’re one tiny step away from disaster, or already in disaster and don’t even know it.

What world do you live in?

That’s not the world I live in.

I live in a world where I get to experience miracles on a daily basis, on a large and a small scale.

I live in a world where the most powerful being in the Universe, God, is fully in charge and knows exactly what is going on here on this planet with His children, and I can turn to Him for peace and comfort every hour, if that’s what I need.

I live in a world where fear has its place firmly behind me, rather than leading and directing my every decision.

This is the world I’m offering you!

I didn’t always live in a world of miracles. Like you, I had dreams and goals and a TON of fear and frustration surrounding them. I felt so scared to shine my light, because what would my family think of me? What if I led us into financial ruin by investing in my ideas and growing a business? What if I wasn’t enough??? (That one was probably the biggest fear, but the money fear was the loudest.)

I can teach you how to transform yourself, and in turn, every aspect of your life. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it WILL happen when you say YES and actually MEAN it with the action you put behind it.

So, to get help you let go of fear so you can hold your miracles, I’m offering a free training call on September 14, 2015!

I want to show you how to sacrifice your fear for your dreams, the lower vibrations for the higher, and how to correctly apply the universal law of sacrifice so you don’t shrink when you hear the word ‘sacrifice.’

If you want in on this training call, go ahead and register here.

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