Connect to Your Inner Guidance

e squaredFor the last month my clients and I have been reading and doing the experiments in the book ‘E Squared’ by Pam Grout. I loved exercise #5 and wanted to share it with you.

Pam calls it the “Dear Abby Principle” and states that you get accurate and unlimited guidance from your inner guidance but we’re taught to shut it down and trust the voices outside of us more than the voices inside us.

So, to test out this theory of hers, she challenges you to ask your inner guidance a yes or no question you’ve been wanting to know the answer to. Your inner guidance has 48 hours to give you a clear answer.

My Miracle Academy students got some amazing guidance by doing this experiment!

One of my students, Vickie, wanted to know if she should was on the right track with turning her talent of making miniatures into a business. Within 24 hours she had 3 people talk to her about miniature trees, mentioning the word ‘miniatures’ at least 5 times before she stopped counting!

Another client wanted to know if she was doing a good enough job homeschooling her girls. The song, “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World came on and she felt compelled to listen to the lyrics: “It just takes some time. Little girl you’re in the middle of the ride. Everything, everything will be just fine. Everything will be all right!” She’d heard that song so many times but said this was the first time she’d paid attention to the lyrics. She immediately felt calmed and comforted.

Try it out and let me know your results. I’d love to see the kind of guidance you get! Be open to it coming in fun and creative ways. And while you’re at it, grab Pam’s book. It’s awesome!

P.S. For those of you in the US, enjoy your long Labor Day weekend!

To Your Miracle Life!

2 thoughts on “Connect to Your Inner Guidance”

  1. I just looked at your site. The Salt Lake City area is blessed to have you right here. What a beautiful person you are inside and out. I will be buying E Squared by Pam Grout. It will be fun to see what she has to say. I have a book in me . I suggested Catherine Thomas’s book ” The God Seed” to you. She has written my book. Hope you get to read it. I am so happy for you that you are in Disney Land with your family. You were able to find the key of belief and create the money to go on the trip, Yes, it is our blessing to find how Christ performed miracles for He said “All that I do ye can do, and even more can you do because I go to my Father in Heaven”. I believe His words and am faithful to execute the principles therein. I believe in miracles and I believe that He can heal me for he all that came to Him. NEVER GIVE UP IS A KEY. HAVE A GREAT DAY In gratitude Lynne Richards

  2. Hi Lynne!
    It’s so good to connect with you again. I am going to search for The God Seed today. Thank you for reminding me of it. I am also very blessed to have you in my life. You’ve been on my mind and heart, and hope that you are finding joy and relief today. Sending you love and peace, and hope that we can connect again soon!

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