What Makes Me Really Sad

I heard a story several years ago. A man was walking along the side of a cliff when a huge gust of wind blew him off. He prayed for help on the way down and happened to catch hold of an outcropping of branches. As he was hanging on the branch for dear life, praying for his life, he heard the whispering of a voice on the wind, asking if He believed in God. He replied that yes, he believed in God.
“Do you believe that God had the power send the wind that pushed you over the cliff?” the voice asked.
“Yes, I believe that!” the man answered.
“Do you also believe that God can cause the wind to blow in the other direction and blow you back up the side of the cliff to safety?”
 “Yes, I do.” the man replied.
“Then let go.” 
I’ve talked to so many people who believe in God, and in the power of the universe to support them when they listen to those nudges and start making miracles, yet when it comes time to let go and put that belief to the test, they hold on and argue for why it won’t work for them.
“I can’t possibly afford this.”
“I’ve read so many books on this exact thing and it doesn’t work for me.”
“I invested in a self-study program and didn’t get results.”
“I need to pray about this/meditate about this/ask my husband about this.”
To those arguments I say BALONEY! That’s right–baloney!
You can’t make miracles when you can only see what isn’t there.
You can’t make miracles when you’re not able to hold those higher vibrations consistently to make those miracles you’re after.
And you can’t make miracles when you give your power away to anyone or anything else, even if it’s in the name of love.
God talks to us all the time and tells us to move forward, by a swelling in our heart, a feeling of hopefulness and light, a sense of rightness. But we nullify that answer by insisting that we’re the exception to His power and  then refuse to budge until He gives us the power.
That is not the way miracles work.
It’s a universal principle that in order to make miracles it’s required that we act first, and THEN the power comes behind us to support us as we’re already moving forward. 
You have to stoke the fire FIRST, BEFORE you feel the heat. 
I’m not here to sit in your pit with you. I’m here to help pull you out of that pit! You have too much to do here, too much of your brilliant light to shine, to keep sitting in that pit. I can teach you how to pull out, but you have to be willing to take that step of faith, as slippery as it might feel at first.
I’m getting ready to spend the weekend with a couple hundred LDS (or Mormon) youth, and next week I’m taking my 17 year old son to Washington, D.C. to make some incredible memories with him before his senior year in high school.  But I’m making room for you, too! I’m opening up my schedule tomorrow and Wed only for a few calls.
If you’re ready to let go and move forward, reach out to me.
If you’re not ready yet, keep enjoying my emails and know that someday you’ll be fed up enough with living the way you’ve been living that you’ll reach out to me!


2 thoughts on “What Makes Me Really Sad”

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