I Failed Last Week

Here I am, supposedly an “expert” at making miracles, and I tripped up on the most basic of miracle making last week: keeping my thoughts focused on great abundance!

I needed to gas up the van, so I pulled up my Gas Buddy app to find cheap gas in the area while my daughter was at gymnastics. I normally gas up at Costco, but we weren’t near home, so I drove around looking for gas stations. Traffic was getting heavier, so I went completely out of my way to avoid it.

In the midst of my driving I suddenly realized that by looking for gas that would save me five CENTS a gallon, I would roughly save $1.06! WTC (What The Crap?!)

Here I was wasting time (and more gas) looking for a gas station at $2.89/gallon, and cursing myself for what I was doing. Finally, after driving a few miles and passing several stations, I found a station at $2.94 a gallon and pulled in there, figuring my lesson was learned.

But the lesson had only just begun.

The sign advertising $2.94/gallon was for CASH. I was using a debit card, so it ended up being $2.99 a gallon! In my attempt to avoid traffic, find cheap gas, I used the Law of Compensation to support lack and struggle instead of abundance and ease (you get equal returns for that which is given: aka cheap thoughts bring cheap returns) and ended up having to pay more than anywhere else I’d seen. To top it all off, I felt completely tricked by the station’s sneaky changing sign, and called them rat bastards. (Yep. I actually swore at the gas station, lowering my vibration even more!)

I’ll be honest with you: I was more disgusted with myself and the pattern of lack I’d fallen back into than paying higher gas. (And let’s face it, it was actually a cheap lesson to learn: I’d spent 15 minutes searching for gas and it cost me $1.70 more than the cheap gas. Big whoop.)

And I don’t think my angels or the universe were punishing me. Actually, they gave me exactly what I’d asked for lately: real-life application of universal laws to see more clearly what is really going on in my world. See how perfectly and harmoniously the laws work! The only thing out of harmony with the law was ME. This was a beautiful lesson.

But I was still in a funky energy the rest of the evening. I had to call the afternoon a wash and watch some TV later that night to distract myself. The beauty of the lesson didn’t come until the next day, when I had raised my vibration back to gratitude and could see more clearly.

And I’m grateful for the lesson: it showed me exactly what I wanted to see, and I have something great to share with you! Hopefully you can see where you’re out of sync with this law, and next time consciously work with it, instead of against it.

Let me know how it goes for you.

5 thoughts on “I Failed Last Week”

  1. Oh my gosh Allyson, this made me giggle so much! Especially that you admitted what you called the gas station. Great object lesson of how the Laws are always at work in our lives ~ thank you!

  2. deirdre mckeown

    Thanks for sharing this, Allyson….it resonates SO deeply with me. I’m not sure though that your breaking down and calling them rat bastards WAS lowering your vibration. Sometimes I think its those “breakdowns” that allow us to release pent up energy we’d been denying by “using our minds to stay positive.”

    I almost broke into tears at the Dump…when the attendant told me the cost of dropping my compost off would be $5.00 instead of the $2.50 they’d been charging before PLUS a $2.00 charge for the twigs, and broken branch I was carrying. Seemed like I was crying, not just for myself, but for all the people on low incomes who are affected by the constant increase in everything…food, accommodation, repairs for anything, taxes, insurance etc. etc. etc. The beauty of the lesson for me was Trust the Universe….they’ll always be a way.

  3. Thanks for sharing and admitting your momentary imperfection. I have done that several time in the past, but did not swear . We all have moments like this and not necessarily learn from them. It is good to admit it and let go a nd move on, as we live in the NOW. it is my goal now to stay present and focused on the NOW as it has eternity in ie and no ego. We can choose our responses but it take training. I love you for being so honest . Many blessings to you. I will have the honor to have a session with you soon in July.LOL
    Your friend in journey of life Jola

  4. Yes, in focusing on abouding oaying a higher pricr (in reality pennies on the gallon) you learned that you paid a much higher orice energetically. Check off that lesson. ❤️

  5. I commend you for being transparent and not superficial. If we don’t make mistakes by getting our ego bruised how would we ever be able to understand others. Don’t ever get so hard on yourself for a few dollars and cents in the long run money is always going to come and go. Seems like that story resonated well with everyone.


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