Doubt and Faith

Do you douse your dreams in doubt or fire them up with faith?

I wasn’t born an amazing manifester. I have a friend who just knows she’ll have the money when she needs it, and she does! Every time. People like her used to mystify me: how in the world does she do that? And why can’t I??

It wasn’t until I realized that how I felt about the miracles I was trying to manifest had a direct correlation with how quickly they came, or if they came at all that my manifesting abilities started to really turn around.

Let me say that again: How you feel about what you’re trying to manifest is directly related to how quickly those miracles come, or if they even come at all.

I don’t think people have a problem with their feelings in relation to the miracle they want; their problem lies in their belief in themselves to actually manifest it. That was my experience, anyway.

I picked something I really wanted, and I’d try to visualize having it. It was so hard to hold onto that feeling of having it, because I immediately went into how would I possibly manifest it? Instead of letting go of how and just enjoying the feeling I expected to feel upon receiving it, I held the image of what I wanted in my mind and drowned it in doubt.

I doubted my ability to figure out how I could earn it. I doubted that I would have the time it required to bring it to me. And that doubt sounded and felt like impatience, frustration, a sense of longing, and then feeling defeated. (Not a recommended way to spend your mental energy!)

Because the Law of Perpetual Transmutation is an immutable, universal law, and it works perfectly every time, it worked perfectly for me, in that it moved whatever it was I was trying to manifest farther away from me.

Everything is either moving into physical form or out of it. That’s Perpetual Transmutation in a nutshell. The environment in which you hold your ideas (your mind) has to have the right conditions to bring your idea into physical form.

Try this the next time you imagine that miracle you want:

  1. Instead of jumping right to “how” put that on the shelf for just a minute. Don’t worry about it! Who cares? All you’re concerned with is connecting to the feeling you expect to feel when it’s all over and you have the physical form of what you want! (You might not believe in your ability to manifest it yet, and that’s all right.)
  2. Believe that you can at least imagine it for a few minutes. Spend a few minutes imagining having it.
  3. When you feel doubt start to creep in, stop your visualizing and go about your day.
  4. Feel gratitude that for even a few minutes you spent time with the miracle in your mind.
  5. Repeat this exercise several times each day.

Ideas are just as real in your mind and in spirit as they are physically. Just like water is just as real as steam, or as an ice cube; it’s just two different forms of the same thing.

As you disconnect from doubt and connect to the essence or feeling that you want to experience, your mind will open up to new ideas of actions you can take to bring it to you. Follow those ideas. Physical circumstances will begin to shift, and opportunities will open up to you that just weren’t there before. Follow them! That’s when you start using Perpetual Transmutation correctly. That’s when things will start to change.

2 thoughts on “Doubt and Faith”

  1. Allyson — loved this! I have been reading up on this law and this cleared up a few things for me. Seems key to just get the desired feeling. Loved what you said about needing the right conditions in your mind as well. You definitely made it easier to understand! Thanks for this!

  2. Thanks for this enlightening article, Allyson. I particularly liked the analogy of water in its different manifestations and the “reality” of ideas. Another valuable tip you offered which I found very useful is to quit the “visualization” process the minute that doubt creeps in, and return to it some time later.

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