The Art of Receiving Miracles

Last week my grandmother, who is 99 years old, passed away. Her life was filled with service; she loved to cook and made sure everyone who came to visit never left hungry–even when we didn’t come hungry! She was active in her faith and served for decades in various positions in our church. Yep, Grandma was a giver.

99th-birthdayAs Grandma got older It was very important to her to remain in her home, but after a nasty fall that caused bleeding in her brain last August, everyone knew Grandma couldn’t be alone at all anymore. Even Grandma knew that. So the family rallied around and took shifts with Grandma so she could stay at home.

My days were Tuesdays. I cleared my schedule every Tuesday and spent from 9:30-2:00 with her, bathing her, feeding her lunch, visiting with her, helping her to the bathroom, keeping her safe.

But Grandma had a very hard time with this. She kept telling me how guilty she always felt, how useless and what a burden she was to everyone, that it should be HER serving me, not the other way around. Grandma was a really good giver and a terrible receiver.

Can you relate?

Transforming your life includes both giving and receiving. If you’re always giving your breath away (ie. exhaling) you will quickly die because you also have to receive breath! (called an inhale.)

  • Do you have a hard time receiving a compliment?
  • If someone serves you, do you feel like now you owe them and have to do something for them in return?
  • If someone offers to buy you lunch do you refuse and put up a fuss?
  • Do you discount the small success because it wasn’t the big one you were aiming for?

Then it’s time to work on the art of receiving, my friend! If you struggle receiving the small things, what makes you think you’ll receive the biggies? You can’t, simply because you’re not on the same vibrational frequency as the big ones.

God gives us little things to receive every day that are to be used to practice on, to raise our vibration and prepare us for the bigger miracles we’re looking for. But we either overlook, discount, or completely refuse to receive those little things because…why?

Most of the time it’s because we don’t feel worthy or deserving. Or good enough. Or that the little things even  matter. These beliefs literally close the door on miracles and keep us stuck.

So, here’s the challenge for the week: when someone offers you a compliment, don’t deflect it in any way. Graciously accept it, without trying to deflect it, and without scoffing at the compliment in your mind. Raise your awareness to how often you refuse to receive opportunities, support, even love. (Are you too rushed for a kiss good-bye or a hug from your child? Time to work on receiving!)

As you do this, God will send you more and more opportunities to receive, and you’ll find that it becomes easier and easier. And they’ll get bigger and bigger. Receiving is part of your transformation.

I’d love to hear how this week goes for you! Send me an email at and tell me what you notice!

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