How To Shield Yourself from Negative People

Thanks to those who signed up for last week’s webinar on Reverse Engineering Miracles!

Many of you on the webinar asked me to give you directions on how to effectively shield yourself from the negative energy of people, whether it’s at work, at home, driving, or wherever. This is an important skill for everyone to know, so I’m using this article to share it with everyone, whether you were on the webinar or not!

There are many people in the energy healing industry who believe that shielding yourself is very hard, takes years of practice, and is difficult to do on your own. I was taught differently.

When I first learned how to shield myself 2 ½ years ago, I was taught that it’s actually quite simple to shield, and is only as hard as you believe it to be. So I trusted that I could learn it easily and quickly, and that it would be effective, and that’s exactly the experience I’ve had with shielding. So, I don’t believe you need to have an extensive background in energy work of any kind to be a great shielder. The sooner you believe that, the more effective you’ll be as well.

So, a little background on why it’s important to shield.

People throw negative “darts” of energy at others all day long. We do it when we yell at someone for being an idiot driver, when we have resentful feelings toward someone else, when we flip people off, when we’re rude and impatient, directing our thoughts toward someone else. And people do it to you all day long as well.

We’re not aware that our thoughts toss energy darts at others, but that’s exactly what happens. When you’re in an energetically toxic environment at work or at home, you can feel the heavy energy in the physical space. If you have a difficult coworker you have a sense of discomfort when you’re around them, and great relief when they’re gone.

I had a client once who could feel her coworker’s negative energy directed at her—her coworker sat behind her and my client felt exposed and vulnerable to attack all day long. So we shielded her and intended for that shield to go with her everywhere she went, and she reported amazing results the next time we spoke: her co-worker changed around her! She was no longer vindictive and mean toward her. The co-worker’s behavior was different around her when she had her shield up.

Shields are very powerful. So, how do they work?

We all have an energetic field that surrounds us physically about 2-3 feet around our entire body. It’s called the aura. Our aura keeps our energy protecting us, and also protects us from other people’s negative energy, so long as we let it. People’s energy can only seep into our aura with our permission. Isn’t that wonderful news! If we’re feeling the darts come from other people, we’re giving them permission to do so! No one can affect your energy without your permission.

It’s important to remember that, for the most part, people aren’t consciously aware of sending negative energetic darts to others, nor are we aware of sending those darts out ourselves. This is on an energetic level. But since we’re all literally connected energetically, we receive these darts when we allow them into our energy field. And they drain us, make us feel exposed, and affect the way we make decisions. It’s very hard to make empowered decisions when we’re constantly worried about the negative reaction of others.

Okay, now that you’ve got some background on shielding, let me tell you how to do it.

Imagine yourself in an invisible, impenetrable bubble. Set your intention that your bubble will be strong and remain strong no matter what situation you’re in. This bubble completely surrounds you, and since you’re inside it, it goes everywhere you go. This bubble keeps your energy from seeping out, and prevents other people’s negative energy to get in and mess with you. Believe that it’s working, because your intention goes a long way to your bubble’s effectiveness.

That’s it! See, I told you it was really simple to shield yourself. 

When you’re inside your bubble, people’s comments don’t affect you like they once did, nor does their energy make you feel drained or exposed. And since your energy is encased inside this bubble, it naturally raises your vibration because you feel safe and protected inside. When your vibration is high, it causes others around you to either raise their vibration to match yours (on a subconscious level), or to stay away from you because they no longer vibrate on a similar frequency as yours.

That’s why your co-workers will either leave you alone or change their attitude around you. And also why you’re not bothered by their comments anymore—that negative energy literally bounces right off your bubble.

Start practicing this immediately. Just imagine yourself in your bubble, nice and protected. When you feel bugged or “triggered” by other people, just remember that you’ve given them permission to get inside your shield. Mentally (not aloud!) remind them—and yourself—that they’re no longer allowed inside your bubble and ask them to leave. Be polite but firm. Remember, people often don’t realize that their thoughts affect others on an energetic level, but their energy can have an effect on us physically and emotionally.

I hope this helps! Feel free to comment, join me on Facebook, or send me an email letting me know your shield is working for you!

7 thoughts on “How To Shield Yourself from Negative People”

  1. instead of bubble [ i afraid the bubble can suffocate us ] golden rays to filter the negatives / toxins and allow positives
    only. Unfortunately my wife triggers negative memories and drain my energy.let golden light protection be bestowed upon me from your goodself.

  2. This is a great help. I use this when I do energy therapy on others to keep from taking up the things that are bothering them. It is easy to imagine. I used it with my 7 year old daughter who was having head aches. She is quite intuitive and as soon as she imagined the bubble her head ache went away.

    Pip pip

  3. The bubble was just one example of how you can visualize your shield. I like to see it as something that I can let energy in an out of as I wish. But I like the idea of golden rays, too. The BEST method is whatever method works for you.

  4. deirdre mckeown

    Love this, Allyson! I just read it,
    and could immediately feel it
    happening for me. Of course
    I always allow loving, beneficial energy
    to inflow and outflow y bubble.
    What I liked the most was your
    suggestion of INTENDING that this
    strategy work for me. I recognize
    I’ve tried other methods that didn’t work…perhaps
    because I didn’t start out with the right intention.
    Thanks. I intend that this bubble shield work for
    me starting NOW….and lasting forever!!!! xxxooo

  5. Deborah mac Donald

    Allyson I had a friend who called me every night at 7pm to talk about our day and any plans and just general chit chat . But she began talking about another friend of hers and it was all negative. In fact I don’t know how she could even call her a friend , the way she talked about her. I listened for a while but then the negativity got to me and I just quit taking her calls. After a few attempts she just gave up and the friendship is over. I miss hearing about her day but I am free of the negative energy that was bombarding me every night.

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