The Simple Trick to Live a Miraculous Life

I spent last week in San Diego, CA at a business conference. When I came to this same conference 9 months ago, I was yearning for some better direction, some feeling of security, and someone to nurture me.

9 months ago I left feeling emptier than when I came.

I let my own self-doubt and fears scream at me the entire week. I listened to the inner argument and sided with the part of me that questioned my value and the difference I made to my clients and others.

Have you ever wished you could believe in your brilliance, then felt so deflated because deep down you knew you just couldn’t?

It doesn’t take a lot to convince ourselves we’re not enough. And if our outer circumstances are nothing more than a reflection of our inner thoughts and belief systems (which is true), look around and you’ll see what it is you truly believe about yourself and your place in the world.

I attracted less than ideal clients who questioned my worth and value from the very start, because that’s exactly what I was doing in my own mind. I attracted people who knew they wanted to work with me but then refused to commit to their transformation because I wasn’t fully committed to my own transformation. I attracted clients who didn’t honor their agreements because I didn’t honor my intrinsic value.

This year has been very stretchy for me. The growing pains have been intense and persistent, but the gifts those pains have given me have been priceless.

During the conference last week, I was complimented by many of my colleagues at how I’ve exploded with my business. Others expressed admiration for the “immediate” success they’ve seen in me. (Oh, if they only knew the long road of this “immediate” success!)

At first I wondered where it was coming from; until recently I’d been focused on the pain of growth and that I landed short of my goal. But then I realized that I have to show up differently to life before life can show up differently for me.

And what they noticed was me showing up differently! The exciting take-away from that is that as you continually show up in your brilliance, life will become brilliant. It’s an immutable, universal law. (the law of cause and effect)

What a glorious feeling, that in 9 months I attended a conference that was completely different only because I’m completely different! I’m still me, just an upgraded version. I know how to show up, and it makes life miraculous!

P.S. That’s what energy work and mindset training has done for me. Are you ready to show up in your brilliance, so your life will show up in its brilliance? If you’re saying YES but don’t know what that looks like, just book a free call HERE and we’ll get you going.


1 thought on “The Simple Trick to Live a Miraculous Life”

  1. Your inner self image modification did it for you , DR Maxwell in his great work PSYCHOCYBERNATICS described it in all beauty in a Medical background,you are now a typical example of his all statements .

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