A Few of my Favorite Things…

For those of you in the US, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! What a beautiful holiday, designed for us to remember our blessings and express our gratitude for all things in our life. And, since one of my favorite things is great food, it makes this holiday even more fun for me!

I’m sending to you my love and gratitude, hopeful that you’ll receive it and feel a little lighter today and going into the holidays. And here are a few of my favorite quotes about two of my favorite things: gratitude and miracles…

–The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.– G.K. Chesterton

–Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears. –Richard Wilkins

–Miracles happen every day. Change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you. –Jon Bon Jovi

–There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. –Albert Einstein

–It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude; it is gratitude that brings us happiness.

–The struggle ends when gratitude begins. –Neale Donald Walsh

–We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. –Cynthia Ozick

–Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life. –Marci Shimoff

–If the only prayer you ever said was thank you, that would be enough. –Meister Eckhart

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