The Silent Thief

We’re taught by society to worry. In fact, telling someone you’re worried about them is equated with love! But all that worry does is ROB YOU OF JOY. Worrying distorts your perspective and distracts you from consciously creating. It rips you from this moment and tosses you in the future where everything is up for grabs.

Believe it or not–and I choose to believe–God wants us to be happy! Even in difficult circumstances, He wants us to experience joy. I don’t believe we’re here just to have a giant party all the time-we’re meant to stretch, grow, and learn to live in a world of opposites. And yes, that can be unbearably uncomfortable at times.

But we’re also here to experience joy. So, how do we do it?

You beef up your gratitude muscles. Joy, peace, and happiness are all natural byproducts of gratitude.

Here’s another fun exercise to do to tune in to gratitude:
Turn off the radio when you drive and talk out loud about what you’re grateful for, what makes you happy. It doesn’t matter if there is anyone in the car with you or not, or how big or small the blessings are. The more you look the more you’ll find.

If your situation doesn’t immediately change, that’s okay. Because you’ll be so full of all the great that already surrounds you, there won’t be room to hold the lack!

(But I will promise you this: if you hold the energy of gratitude more often than the energy of lack, your situation WILL change. By universal law, it has to.)

What do you think? Is this something you’d be willing to try or have tried already? What did you notice? Comment below and let’s talk!

2 thoughts on “The Silent Thief”

  1. I absolutely love doing this exercise! I have noticed that I start to feel better. I notice that I really am truly blessed. I notice that things really aren’t that bad. Thank you for sharing this! =)

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