It's time to give up

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” John D. Rockefeller

This quote describes the universal Law of Sacrifice in a nutshell. Unfortunately, most people have bad information concerning this law: thinking it means going without, suffering, or surrendering (read: giving up). No wonder people have such hang ups about this law!

That’s not what this means at all, though. The Law of Sacrifice means letting go of the lower so you can receive the higher. Say what?

Here’s an example:

When I began building a business last year I sacrificed my comfort zone to create something I’d never created before. I experienced MASSIVE anxiety over it. It would literally wake me up at 5 every morning with a punch to the gut. This went on for several months, until I wondered if this anxiety was even worth it. But when I realized it was just fear presenting as anxiety, I was able to at least make it manageable as I got my feet underneath me, until it was no longer an issue.

Many times we’ll sacrifice boredom and complacency when we’re upleveling an area of our life. You’ll sacrifice sugar and soda for a clear mind and vibrant body. You’ll sacrifice a stressful nine to fiver for time and money freedom that comes from building your own company. And you’ll sacrifice money for education. You will always sacrifice your comfort zone when you’re up leveling.

Yet, when you look back you’ll realize it wasn’t a sacrifice at all. You simply let go of the lower and God supplied you with the higher. What an abundant law!

How is the Law of Sacrifice playing out in your life? Comment below–I’d love to hear it!

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