Can't you see?

We hear the reports on a regular basis: the majority of the population is sick, broke, and unhappy. Yet we live in the richest, healthiest, most miraculous time in the earth’s history!

Why does most of the population continue to see emotional, medical and financial poverty when abundance literally surrounds them? Why do YOU?

Because of fear.

Fear stops you from being committed, robbing you of the “I’ll do whatever it takes” mentality that is crucial to upleveling.

So how about an exercise to pop you out of fear and into commitment?
This uses the universal law of polarity: every situation and circumstance contains both good and bad in equal degree.

(So if your current circumstance absolutely stinks, universal law dictates that there HAS to be within it something that is absolutely sweet.)

Jot down all the aspects of your current situation that you feel grateful for, big and small. They’re there to be found, by law. It might take a minute to switch your focus from the negativity of your situation to the blessings, but once you start looking you’ll find them.

Once you notice and acknowledge those blessings, you’ll begin to feel more supported, and your fear will subside. When the fear subsides, you notice the possibilities that surround you, and you’ll start to walk toward them. Your commitment will increase, your energy will increase, and your life will begin to shift.

Try it and comment below to let me know what you find. I’d love to hear about it!

1 thought on “Can't you see?”

  1. Great message Allyson. I love the idea of gratitude. I start my day counting my blessings! Thanks for your insight and inspiration Allyson!

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