6 Summer Must Reads

 reading-listI love, love, love to read! I read somewhere (of course) that reading 20 books a year that are related to your industry will put you in the top 2% in your industry. That’s reading less than two books a month.  (This is assuming that you apply what you learn.)
Many of you have told me that you’re done with the struggle and want to experience more money in your life, but are frustrated with how to do it consistently. I’ve listed the books that have influenced me the most in helping me step into my power, trust my inner guidance and move. And that has resulted in more money flowing more consistently, among even cooler things than money!
The Science of Getting Rich–Wallace Wattles
A fabulous book that shows how to create riches by treating it as a science experiment. He shows you how to use universal laws but doesn’t really explain what the laws are. It’s a very practical approach. Love it!
Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help in your Money Matters–Leslie Householder
This book goes into detail about the major universal laws involved when we create. It’s a fast read. This book is taught from a religious angle, but the laws are applicable regardless of your religious leanings.
Working With The Law–Raymond Holliwell
These are the laws that Holliwell felt are most important when creating the life you want. He talks about other laws not mentioned in Hidden Treasures.
The War of Art–Steven Pressfield
Anytime you’re trying to create something better–whether it’s a job, relationship, or body image–you’re going to slam into resistance. Press field  explains the forms it takes and how to blast past it.
The Attractor Factor–Joe Vitale
 I listened to this on audiobook, so I’m not positive if it reads exactly the same as the book, but I loved hearing Joe’s experiences using universal law. He focuses mostly on Law of Attraction, but he has some great exercises you can do to stay focused on your goal.
Real Magic–Wayne Dyer
 Dr. Dyer talks about 7 principles behind working miracles in your everyday life. This helped me learn about my intuition and how to use it. It also helped me trust those nudges that guide us to the miracles.

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