Are you winning your war?

Those of us in the U.S. celebrated our Independence Day last weekend. Did you know the colonial rebels were not supposed to win the war for their freedom, and lost abysmally until they made just two tweaks to their strategy?

1. They didn’t play by the rules. Up until then, the colonials were getting annihilated by the British because the rules of war stated they had to form lines to fight and to march, and had to fight out in the open. It wasn’t until they broke the rules and started fighting from the trees and behind boulders, breaking formation and tradition, that they started gaining ground.

2. They called upon Providence for help. Whether you believe in God as a Being, or as Universal Intelligence, Source, or even your higher power, if you want to experience true freedom, you must trust that an Intelligence that knows more than you do is running the show, and that Intelligence is benevolent and has your back.

Have you been doing things the same way you’ve always done them and feel frustrated by the results? That’s good. Frustration energy leads to action. It’s time to change the entire way you play your game! Time to toss out the rules and play to win! No one will fight harder for your time freedom, money freedom, or whatever freedom you’re looking for, than you.

Circumstances will not change until you change your thoughts concerning the circumstances. If you’re feeling picked on, forgotten or abandoned, you get to choose to toss those false beliefs aside and believe that Someone who knows more than you do really does know who you are and cares about your growth and happiness. Feeling like the universe is out to get you will bring harder circumstances to you to perpetuate that belief.

This life is designed that you get to be right. Whether you think life is miraculous or unfair, the universe will support you in that idea by your circumstances. When you have a choice, choose to believe in the miraculous! And you always have a choice.

When you make these two simple tweaks to your personal war of independence, you too will turn the tides to your favor and will soon exult in your own power of freedom!

3 thoughts on “Are you winning your war?”

  1. I loved this! God really does know what he is doing, and totally has our back. We just need to ask him for his help, give the reins over to him, and trust him completely.

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