Are you ready to let it go?

My whole life I subconsciously believed I was never enough. And to compensate for that I always took a certain amount of pride in being an over-achiever. I excelled in school, in music and performing arts, and if I didn’t live up to the impossibly high standard I set for myself, the mental flogging was swift, and it was vicious.

Because of this belief, I pulled people and situations to me that solidified the belief that I really wasn’t enough. Whether it was in the theater and having a need to memorize my lines before everyone else, or in my private practice, and trying to work with clients who demanded I prove that I was worth it, I felt like I was trying every trick I could think of to prove just how enough I was, to myself and to others. And it was an exhausting, disempowering way to live.

Living in limiting beliefs strips you of your power to really create, because you’re constantly checking yourself–whether consciously or subconsciously– to see if that’s really true. And whether you believe that (insert your limiting belief here) or (insert empowering belief here) your subconscious goes to work to prove you right.

I finally uncovered that limiting belief, cleared it through SimplyHealed energy work, and now live in a space that what I offer is enough, because I am enough! Just as I am today, with the knowledge, tools and experiences I have, it’s enough to make a profound difference to other people’s lives. And finally believing that has given me the permission I needed to step into my personal power and stay in that power. And that is so much stinkin fun!

So, what do you think? Are you ready to let it go, step into your personal power and live THERE?

3 thoughts on “Are you ready to let it go?”

  1. Thanks for this great article Allyson. It’s so easy to walk in “soul” power, rather than Holy Spirit power from God, and to forget that I am enough in His eyes, yet empowered within. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Vivian Bernardo

    Wow! So empowering! Your story is inspiring and I totally resonate with your journey! This is so on point! Thanks Allyson!

  3. Melissa LeBlanc

    Wow Allyson I have totally related to this. I love what you said about being enough. When we work from the space that we are enough we don’t have to prove our worth to anyone or anything and we will draw amazing things to us that fills us with more freedom and happiness. I agree that when we are in “I’m not enough” energy we attract more challenges to prove that we are enough. “Let It Go” like you said is such a beautiful thing & so liberating and empowering!

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