Why Are You Giving Away Your Power?

As I’ve looked around, I’ve seen more and more people shying away from their power instead of stepping into it. I could even see it in different areas of my own life, actually. And I wondered why.

I finally realized that it’s very hard to step into your personal power when you’re not aligned to it.

And if you don’t know how to align to it, it’s darn near impossible to consistently stay in your power!

But never fear; I can help. Affirmations are powerful, powerful tools of creation, but can only be as powerful as your limiting belief will allow. When we move the energy of your limiting belief and replace it with a power affirmation that is specific to you, THAT’S when the magic happens! THAT’S when the shift occurs!

If you’re ready to finally cast off the shackles of your false, limiting beliefs and step into your personal power, I want to help you. I’m opening up times next week for a FREE Claim Your Personal Power Alignment Call.

We’ll find that limiting belief you’ve been shackled to your whole life. I’ll clear that belief and align you energetically with the power affirmation that will make the most difference for you. You will feel an enormous difference moving forward, once you’ve left the limiting belief behind.

If this is something you know you want, schedule a FREE 20 minute call with me.

Are you ready to cast off the shackles of yesterday? And finally move forward with power that’s all yours, and unique to you?

What do you possibly have to lose, other than self-doubt and limiting beliefs?

Schedule your FREE call here —> http://www.vcita.com/v/2aa97293/online_scheduling?o=Y29udGFjdF9mb3Jt&s=http%3A%2F%2Fallysonchavez.com%2Fcontact-2%2F&type=video#/schedule

Here’s To Your Personal Power!

2 thoughts on “Why Are You Giving Away Your Power?”

  1. Vivian Bernardo

    Excellent message and offer! Thank you for sharing your insights and your gifts with the world.

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