What to do if your journey sucks

I finally found my path two years ago. It took so much courage to actually step on my path, that I kept stepping on and then stepping back off. It was a journey just to start this leg of my freakin journey!
Some parts of the journey just suck. Even though I know with certainty that this is the right path for me, it’s not always sunbeams and unicorns. In fact, it’s steep and rocky most of the time, and I’ve stepped into more than one pile of crap along the way. In fact, there’s still some on my shoe right now…
But what keeps me going when it sucks is this underlying sense of peace that somehow, through Someone’s doing other than mine, everything is going to work out just fine. And those times that ARE sunbeams and unicorns are incredible! And they’re so huge that it makes all the crap piles worth it.
How did I know I was on my path? My inner voice finally stopped screaming at me. She shut right up when I finally sucked it up and invested in a four day intensive energy training. And she’s been happy and quiet ever since!
If your voice is getting louder and louder, it’s because you’re not listening. And it’s not the voice of fear–that’s plenty loud on its own–it’s that voice telling you there’s something more in this other direction…you know what I mean. When you follow that voice, it will lead you through those sucky parts of your path and right to where your unicorns graze. Keep walking. I can see a sunbeam right over that next ridge…

3 thoughts on “What to do if your journey sucks”

  1. You sound like me ;). Or I sound like you ! Either way you read my mind ! It’s sort of weird that I am not alone on this. It’s a crappy
    Life sometimes and I always wonder if others have crap too.
    Many blessings

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