The Miracles in This Week's Mess

I have been all about miracles lately. If you’ve followed me at all, you know that I love to look for them everywhere and have been so delighted by the way and the speed that they’ve appeared in my life. I’ve been on top of the world! My relationships are strong, the money is flowing well, my fitness level has increased…what could go wrong in this miraculous life I’m leading now? Cue foreboding music.
Imagine my surprise when, just this week, I was verbally attacked, manipulated, guilted, and threatened by someone I had done no wrong to. As a matter of fact, the catalyst that led to this verbal altercation was simply me standing in my power.
As a recovering people pleaser, you can imagine the anxiety this conversation caused. I’d always been taught not to rock the boat or make others feel uncomfortable. And yet, the miracles that came through this messy experience was that I found my voice! And my voice was quite powerful in defending me! I also realized that I absolutely did not care what this other person thought of me or of the position I was taking. And as I energetically declared my power and worth, I felt my energy shift, and things release from deep inside me that had me bound my entire life. Is that not a miracle?!
The mess isn’t quite over yet, unfortunately. But the other miracle I’ve received is peace in knowing that God and my angels have already handled this for both of us.
If you’re feeling like you’re in an incredible mess right now–whether of your own making or one you’ve been thrust into–I challenge you to find the miracles in that situation. They are there to be found; I can promise you that. And then hang onto those miracles in gratitude for a loving God and a benevolent universe that infuses every single crappy situation with blessings that meet and even exceed the crappiness. Life is definitely miraculous!

2 thoughts on “The Miracles in This Week's Mess”

  1. Life is truly Miraculous! What a blessing to have found your voice. I have had similar experiences and grateful to stand where I do 🙂 Blessings and more miracles to you!!

  2. So proud of you Allyson for standing up for what you feel is right and allowing your voice to be heard. I agree that there are miracles in every situation. Everything we experience in life is a learning opportunity. So happy for you. <3

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