Are You the Weak Link?

Too often we get in our own way when we’re trying to go for that elusive dream. We get tripped up by our negative thoughts and false beliefs we’ve carried around all our lives. Just for today, let it be easy! You get to decide if you’re going to attach suffering to pain, or if you’re going to grow through that pain quickly. No matter what you’re dealing with right now, you are so powerful you get to choose how wonderful or how awful it’s going to be! You get to choose to either receive miracles, or literally block miracles by wallowing in the negative. Just be aware of where your thoughts take you. There is no room for judgment or guilt here; the goal is just to be aware of whether your thoughts are taking you up or down. If the direction is down, you can put the brakes on those thoughts by doing something as simple as putting on some upbeat music and letting yourself move for a few minutes. It’s called a pattern interrupt, and anything you can do to interrupt the flow of “weak link” thoughts will shift you out of negativity very quickly.
There are so many simple things you can do to open yourself to receive miracles and to be your strongest link. Learn more tips and techniques to activating miracles by registering for the Make Your Miracles telesummit. Register at

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