Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Your outer circumstances are only a mirror to your inner beliefs. If you want to know why everyone around you is always complaining, take a moment to listen to your own thoughts. If you’re having a hard time getting potential clients to commit, where is the commitment breakdown happening in your own life? It’s there, I promise!

turning proIn his book Turning Pro, warrior artist and author Steven Pressfield admits that before he turned pro, he spent most of his life hiding. He was so scared to sit down and write that he did everything except that. He felt ashamed of himself for being terrified, but not so much that it popped him into action. Everything he did on the outside was a consequence and expression of the terror and shame he felt.

After many years of hiding and running away–literally, he spent some time as a truck driver–he finally pulled out his old typewriter and made himself write something. It was crappy and he threw it away, but that wasn’t the point. The point was to DO what he was afraid of. Who cares if it’s right or good or whatever? He was tired of hiding; tired of running and hating himself. This was the first step to turning pro.

Where are you? Are you hiding out in a fabulous relationship with ice cream and chick flicks and justifying why you’re just too busy to date? Are you running away in what Pressfield calls a “shadow career,” which is a metaphor for your real career and life you wish you had? Pressfield says, “If you’re dissatisfied with your current life, ask yourself what your current life is a metaphor for. That metaphor will point you toward your true calling.”

So, where are you? Isn’t it about time to come out, come out, wherever you are?

4 thoughts on “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

  1. I found my true calling when I was able to leave the corporate world for greater freedom at a network marketer, representing a company and product that I truly believe in. I am also able to share my faith in this industry and make an even greater difference in people’s lives.

  2. Professional Life Coaching has positioned me to experience greater fulfillment in my life, as well as help professionals and entrepreneurs experience greater fulfillment in theirs. In essence, it allows me to communicate my authentic self!

  3. I am working on two businesses that I am passionate about. One is my Pilates studio where I help people get stronger and healthier. My other passion is being a Confidence Coach, helping women break through limiting beliefs to find their passion. Loving every minute of it.

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