Recently I’ve talked to several people who have big dreams they want to achieve, and a “wait and see” attitude about going after their dreams. Why? A couple of reasons. Expansion of any kind requires two investments: time and money. And virtually everyone is programmed for scarcity where both of these investments are concerned–particularly money! Sound familiar?
I want to make a difference for you, and I want you to hear me on this. You will never expand until you take that physical step and commit. And that looks like signing that contract and putting down your deposit before you know where that money is going to come from. It’s as simple as that. But then it requires another immediate step: TRUSTING yourself and God that you will figure out a way to pay for that expansion.
Do you trust yourself? If you want to “wait and see” that’s a clear indication that you don’t. And I used to live by those words! How many great opportunities passed me by because I wanted to wait and see how the details would all work themselves out, and THEN, MAYBE I would commit. If I felt like it. And then I wondered why I always felt so restless and unsatisfied. And why life was my own version of Groundhog Day. (Remember that classic movie?)
And now that I’ve leaped and continue to leap, life is absolutely magical! Is it scary? You bet it is! Have my attempts failed? Of course! But my successes have been so much bigger than my failures–even only 10 months into this–that I continue to trust and jump.
But you cannot take my word for it. For Real Magic to happen in your life, you HAVE to trust yourself that you’ll figure out a way. And then DO it.