All you have to do is change your mind

Last week I mentioned a concept called “Turning Pro.” It was introduced by author Steven Pressfield, in his book of the same name. I highly recommend this book, as well as his first book The War of Art. That one is all about resistance and how it shows up. But Turning Pro is all about tapping into your inner power.
Pressfield suggests that the reason why we’re not happy is that we’re living amateur lives. And he also suggests that turning pro is achieved by simply changing your mind. When we do this and embrace our inner pro, we find our power, our will, our voice and our self-respect. In other words, we finally embrace those higher things about ourselves we’ve always had but were afraid to bring out.
Turning Pro is free, but comes with a price and isn’t easy. I’ve learned for me that turning pro means being very uncomfortable from time to time. I’ve had to give up many aspects of my comfortable life–like being passive and having a “wait and see” attitude–and let life get messy and vulnerable. That’s hard! My journey is nowhere near over, but I’ve gotten closer to pro in the last year. Pressfield says that turning pro has a membrane, and it hurts. He’s absolutely right. It has been an amazing spiritual journey into myself and what I think I deserve and what I’m willing to give up and fight for. But, like my mentor says, freedom is on the other side of the door you don’t want to walk through.
Are you ready to quantum leap into turning pro? All you have to do is change your mind.

8 thoughts on “All you have to do is change your mind”

  1. Great point and thanks for the book recommendation. I think most people are afraid of tapping in to them self’s, this means they have to be more accountable for their own life and that can be hard to do. I love the idea of turning pro as I have done that years ago and seem to have left a few behind me that were comfortable not doing the same. Thanks Allyson 🙂

  2. Thanks for a great article Allyson. I think I’ve always had the attitude to be Pro at whatever I do, which can be exhausting and difficult at times, but as Erik says, it also leaves a lot of other people behind who are satisfied with the status quo. There is always room for change and improvement.

  3. Vivian Bernardo

    Excellent message and book review. I enjoyed the “War of Art” I will definitely add “Turning Pro” to my read list. Everyday I am working on my highest most authentic self. I’m definitely ready to turn pro! Thanks for sharing your insight and inspiration!

  4. I’ve heard about this book before. Definitely a great distinction. For me, owning a brick and mortar business the last few years helped me shift that mindset. 🙂

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