Too much big

It’s an interesting phenomenon how conferences put us in touch with our highest selves and our biggest insecurities all at the same time. Conferences start to open us up to the greatness within us, and then our fears come snapping at our heels to immediately put us “in our place.” At least that’s what happened to me this week.

After the conference ended a friend and I were processing the goings-on of the last 4 days. She said that sometimes the dreams we want to connect to, coupled with the work required to make the connection, feels “too much big.” That’s exactly what I felt! The ideas coming at me were too much big and I just couldn’t hold them in my current container of confidence, security and determination. That container is too small for this much big.

When our dream containers are too big for us, it requires expansion so we can fill that container of our dreams. And that means we get to do  some Fear Walking along the way. But the Fear Walk is so empowering when you do it, and that causes expansion, which makes your container bigger so you can hold more of it easier.

If your dreams don’t feel scary, they’re not big enough. At that point they’re nothing more than ‘to do’ tasks. Don’t repel your dreams because they feel “too much big.” Deep breath, step and trust.  You’ve got this! And your dreams have also got you.

1 thought on “Too much big”

  1. I recently met with a mentor of mine and we put together a plan for my business. What she saw was so much bigger than I could envision at the time and it was a bit — actually a lot — scarey! But another wise friend suggested to just start where you are. That’s really all we can do — start where we are and believe we can get there and we will grow into that big vision!

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