When are you going to change your history?

Do you remember the classic 1985 movie “Back to the Future?” In the beginning of the movie Marty McFly is going to try out to be the band at the school dance. The principle tells him not to bother because, “No McFly has ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley.” Marty looks him in the eye and says, “Well, history’s about to change.”

It’s been a real exercise in endurance to default my thoughts to certainty and security instead of scarcity and fear. I grew up with that default setting, and my parents and grandparents grew  up with that setting as well. It’s not hard to see where we’ve all picked it up. You might be experiencing more setbacks than you care for as you push the reset button. But if you’re going to experience lasting, continuing success and abundance, that reset button HAS to be pushed.

I hear so many people talk about how they can’t “afford” one thing or another, regardless of how much they want it or know it will benefit them. Perhaps this is something you say to yourself on a regular basis. (Admit it, you know it is.)

But do you know what you truly cannot afford? Those  fear and poverty-laced thoughts! If you’re going to have any measure of success in having the life you’ve always wanted  You CANNOT AFFORD to continue thinking the way you always have.  You just can’t. I guarantee that you won’t continue in that forward momentum for long if your thoughts keep straying to, “What if this doesn’t work? This isn’t going to work. Remember how you went for –fill in the blank–in the past and you didn’t get it? You’ve tried things like this before, and they’ve never lasted.”

Poor people look at an experience or an item they want to have, then look at the “evidence” (ie their bank account or time commitments ) for all the reasons why they can’t afford it. Wealthy people look at something they want to have and then say to themselves, “What do I need to do to get that?” Their bank account isn’t even part of the equation!

If you’re going to be rich, you have to THINK like the rich do. And having lived on both sides of this kind of thinking, it is so much more fun and empowering to think like the rich! I started thinking like the rich, even though the physical “evidence” suggested I was poor. And I invested in myself when I “couldn’t afford” to invest, and jumped when I was scared to jump. And guess what? Four MONTHS–not years, people– after doing that, my husband and I are both making more money–and having more fun and freedom–than we’ve ever had in our lives.

Marty went ahead and changed his history.  When is your history going to change?

3 thoughts on “When are you going to change your history?”

  1. Hello Allyson !!!
    I’m really very happy to visit on your official Blog. “When are you going to change your history” this post is really amazing to let know something about on your own character but somewhere I do think History can’t be changes but yes we can learn & be aware to our history.

  2. Love this:
    Wealthy people look at something they want to have and then say to themselves, “What do I need to do to get that?” Their bank account isn’t even part of the equation!
    Very powerful difference in perspective. 🙂

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