Stop lying to yourself!

Have you ever noticed that when toddlers are told by a loved one to “Jump!” that there is absolutely no hesitation from them? They will FLING their entire person into the air, with perfect certainty that they’ll be caught. Not only that, their faces are pictures of joy and abandon. And they will generally come back to jump again and again, sometimes not even bothering to wait for you to get ready for them. They’ll just launch themselves at you!

So when was the last time you jumped?

You’re lying to yourself if you say you trust in God, the universe, or your higher power and don’t do the things you feel pulled to do. I’m amazed at how many people I talk to who know that they “should” do something and really want to do it, but give me a list of “reasons” why they can’t: the timing is off, their spouse won’t support them, they don’t have the money, they have a birthday that month, their kids are….you get the picture.

All of these so-called reasons are nothing more than a cop out. They’re very logical excuses to live in fear, mediocrity, and play small. You KNOW you’re here for something bigger! You KNOW you have a bigger game to play, even if you don’t know what that game is yet. BAG your fears and GO FOR IT! Start listening to your HEART instead of the incessant chatter in your head. You’ve been down that road before; it leads absolutely nowhere.

The ONLY way you’ll get those different results you’re desperate for is to DO something different! You say you trust in the abundance and benevolence of the universe. Oh yeah? Then prove it.

8 thoughts on “Stop lying to yourself!”

  1. Sometimes God doesn’t let us in on all the details of what He has planned for us so that is where faith and taking those steps that He has placed in front of us come into play. Taking my steps today 🙂

  2. On October 3, thirty high scohol students from Mount Si’s Key Club visited the homes of two elderly folks in North Bend. Armed with gloves, garden tools, and determination ..they set out to offer assistance to these homeowners where the labor had simply become too big an obstacle. The students split and stacked firewood, trimmed overgrown bushes and hedges, brought garden beds back to objects of beauty, raked leaves, and filled an enormous trailer with discarded and rotting lumber that was taken to the dump. The best part of this endeavor was the smiles and hugs given by the homeowners to these high scohol Key Clubbers. That so many showed up at their homes to Pay it Forward was overwhelming and one of the most heart-warming experiences I have seen. Way to go Mount Si Key Club!

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