Stop messing with your head

green-light-smIsn’t it interesting how we seem to default into fear and discouragement so easily, which holds us back from really following our dreams. So, if that’s your default, how do you reprogram those thoughts into certainty and confidence?

Your life is a sum total of all your thoughts so far. So, if your sum total is coming up a little –or a lot–short, make some change! Seriously. You have the power to change your thoughts and start deliberately creating, instead of creating by default. You KNOW where those fear thoughts take you: they make you feel doubtful, they make you err on the side of caution, and follow paths that lead to dead ends.

Time to change the path, and step into the unknown. You don’t WANT to walk the path you’re familiar with: it doesn’t lead anywhere!

So, the first step to reprogramming is AWARENESS. Be aware of those fear thoughts you keep messing with, and realize that they are messing with you. As soon as they slither across your mind kick them out. You cannot afford those thoughts. They’ll never make you feel empowered simply because they don’t vibrate at the level of empowerment. They vibrate at a much, much lower frequency. In order to start creating what you want, you have to vibrate at the same frequency what you want is vibrating at. It’s really as simple as that.

It all starts with awareness. As GI Joe said in the early ’80’s, “Knowing is half the battle.” Knowing where your thoughts are taking you really is half the battle. And this is a battle you were born to win.

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